Meeting Notes - April 6, 2011

Attending: Booye, Cole, Cook, Corrao, DASB, Glapion, Haynes, Hunter, LeBleu-Burns, Marquez, Mieso, Moberg, Moreno, Patlan, Poon

Reviewed Agenda and Notes

There were no additions to the agenda. Notes from the March 16th meeting were reviewed and approved.

Spring Quarter Meeting Schedule – Cook has requested SSPBT meet weekly during Spring Quarter. Cole will schedule and notify SSPBT members. The next meeting will be April 13th.

Program Review Update/Time line

Haynes shared the May 26th date for PR updates is holding, but may change. Will confirm with Cook ASAP!

Reduction Criteria, Resources

Haynes requested SSPBT members send their input regarding budget reduction criteria to him ASAP. SSPBT will finalize at the next meeting.

Moberg asked Haynes for confirmation of the college’s priorities (IPBT) i.e. Basic Skills, Transfer and Voc Ed.

Haynes committed to the following: 

· Send out proposed Budget Reduction Criteria

· Obtain confirmation of the timeline

· Contact division deans regarding the timeline

LeBleu-Burns commented on the need for sensitivity when discussing budget reductions.

Moberg suggested asking division deans to bring their PRs for review and discussion at SSPBT, rather than reading teams.

She also suggested including how the consolidation, if any, will affect the rest of the campus in the criteria.

Mieso suggested including the following in the criteria:

· Which of the strategic initiatives does this program or service support?

· Does it support instruction in Basic Skills, Transfer and Voc Ed?

· Mandated services, i.e. Matriculation and what it means.

Next meeting is Wednesday, April 13, 2011.

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