Mission Statement – De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world. De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college’s Institutional Core Competencies: Communication and expression, Information literacy, Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility, Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness, Critical thinking Adopted Spring 2010

Meeting Notes - May 1, 2014

Attending: Burgos, Caballero de Cordero, Ceballos, Cole, Glapion, Haynes, Kirkpatrick, Mandy, Thai

There were no additions to the agenda.

SSPBT Mission Review – Review SSPBT Mission Statement as it relates to the college’s mission statement. The college mission statement is being revised and shared with the college governance groups. SSPBT discussed revision of the SSPBT mission statement.

Suggested revised SSPBT Mission Statement – The mission of the SSPBT is to provide leadership and coordination for the development and implementation of student services budget and planning processes in an open collaborative, transparent forum, which supports institutional strategic goals, priorities and the college’s educational master plan.

PR Status, Timeline & Reader Sign Up

Reader sign-up sheet distributed.

Suggested that PR writers review their PR in the fall (tbc)

Comments from the readers should go directly to the writer, so they have time to finalize before the deadline - May 30th.

Student Equity Planning/Student Success Equity Plan (SSSP)

Student Equity Plan discussion - it is still unclear how to prepare & obtain data.

Handout re Student Equity Plan was distributed. Comments included having a discussion about how SS is going to develop a plan.

SSSP state funding is $800,000. College isn’t ready to implement recommendations yet. Discussion regarding the need for an appeal process for BOG waiver and registration priority by July, when fall registration starts.

SSPBT Task Force Updates

Foster Youth – They would like the college to give Foster Youth students credit even if they are not be scoring well in the class. There have been problems with fighting in the classroom. Question is whether the Bridge Program is working well for Foster Youth.

SSSP – Online interactive orientation will be more effective than doing HS visits. Barriers mentioned for counselors participating in HS visits; time involved, technology problems at the HSs and finding time to approve Ed plans. A debrief will be held to evaluate the results.

Discussion items for next meeting:

Review and revise SSPBT charge

Task Force to discuss Student Equity Plan

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