Mission Statement – De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world. De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college’s Institutional Core Competencies: Communication and expression, Information literacy, Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility, Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness, Critical thinking Adopted Spring 2010

Meeting Notes - October 3, 2013

Attending: Burgos, Claros, Caballero de Cordero, Cole, Cook (co-chair), DASB, Espinosa-Pieb, Glapion (co-chair), Haynes, Kirkpatrick, LeBleu-Burns, Moberg, Thai

Guests: Ceballos, Newell

Review Agenda There were no additions

SSPBT Membership Welcome & Update

Cook/Glapion welcomed new SSPBT representatives from the Academic Senate - Patty Burgos and Randy Claros. Classified Senate will provide new representatives for the next meeting.

Review Charge, Role and Responsibilities of SSPBT members - Glapion led a review of the SSPBT Charge, Role and Responsibilities. Cook encouraged everyone to review the De Anza Governance Handbook (online) for additional information about shared governance.

2013-14 Comprehensive Program Review (CPR) Timeline - Haynes shared this is the first CPR under the new six-year program review process and will include information from program reviews submitted during the last four years. SLOAC - curriculum and SSLOAC - services need to be completed so programs can write their outcomes assessment summary (PLO). The SSPBT will finalize a timeline and criteria (considering using the CAS standards) by the end of fall quarter.

Newell shared the planning agendas assigned to the SSPBT and congratulated them on submitting updates last year on each of their agendas. All of the agendas assigned to the group are ongoing and will need to be updated each year. Newell suggested that these agendas be kept in mind as the group plans for the year.

2013-14 SSPBT Goals (Technology, Veterans, Foster Youth, SSSP Implementation) Suggestions for additional goals: Integration with Instruction, CAS Standards, Equity and Social Justice.
Cook suggested task groups work on each goal. Finalize at the next meeting. Invite Neal to talk about equity, including examples from other colleges to assist members in planning for each goal. 

SSPBT Spring Questionnaire Review of Responses
The group reviewed responses from the Spring 2013 Questionnaire distributed to SSPBT members which included: Improvements to the meeting agenda, monitoring our annual goals, working collaboratively with other PBTs, sharing our goals to increase awareness, support needed and the impact on other areas of the college, PBTs meet once a quarter; the importance of presenters at SSPBT meetings from across the campus, regarding institutional research, equity and instructional faculty and administrators. 

Student Success & Support Program Act

-Enrollment Priorities - Update included enrollment priorities are being programmed and should be finished for testing/review at the end of October.

-SSSP (Matriculation) Committee - Update included the SSSP timeline for this year is to submit a plan on how college's will be incorporating the core services to address the mandates. A multi-divisional advisory will be formed to develop a campus wide plan as well.

Agenda items for next meeting - Update on the AHEAD Conference

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