Mission Statement – De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world. De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college’s Institutional Core Competencies: Communication and expression, Information literacy, Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility, Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness, Critical thinking Adopted Spring 2010

Meeting Notes - October 17, 2012

Attending: Caballero de Cordero, Chung, Cole, Collins (DASB), Cook, Glapion, Haynes, Kirkpatrick, LeBleu-Burns, Leonard, Mieso, Moberg, Moreno, Thai Guest: Cheney

Review Agenda & Notes - There were no additions to the agenda and the notes from the October 10, 2012 meeting were approved.

Cook introduced Wagio Collins, DASB representative to the SSPBT.

CCSSE Data (Community College Survey of Student Engagement) & Core Group - Newell provided handouts 1) Tracking SSPBT Core Group One. SSPBT developed a core group of students who fit their Priority Criteria for high demand courses and services. The IR tracked the core group students from summer 2011 through spring 2012 to determine their success rates, persistence rates and key academic indicators. The results will be used as baseline statistics for future core groups. Subsequent handouts included the CCSSE data and summary of the survey which focuses on educational practices and student behaviors associated with higher levels of learning, persistence and completion. Some highlights - responses from students rated De Anza between 68 to 85% in overall satisfaction. 41% of students have taken an assessment test. Information is on the IR site. 

SSPBT co-chair - Kevin Glapion was nominated and approved to continue as the co-chair this year.

Budget Reduction Proposals - Cook reviewed the Plan B budget reduction proposal for the Vice President of Student Services, which is to keep the Executive Administrative position. Cordero Reviewed handout for the Counseling Plan B proposal, which will focus on everything Counseling does to meet the mandates coming up for the Student Success Act. Instead of nine counseling positions, four counseling positions will be reduced, (two additional counseling positions will be reduced due to retirements), one academic adviser, one administrative support. Haynes reviewed the DSPS Plan B proposal, which includes reducing three staff positions, five part-time IA positions, and one FT faculty position. Overall DSPS will lessen its ability to maintain its individualized attention to students at the HOPE-De Anza and APE programs. Reorganizing will help protect the DSPS revenue generating capacity by not cutting classes and increasing efficiencies where possible.

"B" Budget Augmentation List - Postponed until the October 24, 2012 meeting.

PRs & Viability Review Process - Haynes reminded everyone that SSPBT members will divide up Student Services PRs and SLOs (17) for review. SSPBT will begin to develop a criteria for rating the reviews at the October 31st meeting. Cook asked everyone to develop their PRs to connect with the requirements for the Student Success Act.

Updates - Cordero shared information from a meeting with counselors to discuss what the next steps are in serving Foster Youth students. They are discussing developing a model that will allow us to serve Foster Youth students and continue Summer Bridge and other celebrations. This will be a collaborative effort working with Financial Aid and Outreach on how to best use resources. The main goal is to develop a sense of community for Foster Youth. 

Moberg meet with Financial Aid and the Silicon Valley Children's Group, (they provide the scholarships to Foster Youth) to answer questions about FERPA and their need to know students progress. They are working with ETS to develop an ARGOS report to provide all the information they need about the Foster Youth students. Once the report is complete, she will provide everyone with a copy. She commented on the need to work closely with the SVCG contact to share information.

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