Meeting Notes - February 11, 2009

1) Approval of Notes from December 10, 2008

The notes were approved with the addition of the program reviews for grounds and custodial services.

2) Program Reviews

Kuhn was not available to present the PWD program review at this meeting. The College Operations departments had expanded their program reviews to include more quantitative stats as per the recommendation from the last PBT meeting.

The Instructional division's program reviews are due in March 2009.

3) Burning Issues

  • Medi-Cal Administrative Activities: The team briefly discussed the Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MAA) Program
  • Omni License: Michaelis advised the group that she asked for funding for the Omni License fee from instructional equipment/lottery funds. Espinosa-pieb advised that she expected to have approx. $15k in unspent funds available to help cover the $31k bill. In the meantime, the bill had been charged to the Technology Resources fund 15 account. This is a campus wide license fee for 250 users. It was hoped that Omni would become the district standard web content management system (WCMS) and that ETS would pick up the costs for the license as they currently do for Microsoft licenses. The district currently use Manila which is no longer supported. Foothill do not have a WCMS and have very few faculty web sites.
  • Budget: Jeanpierre advised the team that the District was projecting an $11M ongoing structural deficit. $6M of which is compensation related and a further $5M from expected increases to medical costs. A structural deficit could only be corrected by on-going money not one-time funds. The District's structural deficit does not include any cuts the State may make. The Board requested that Chancellor's staff present a budget plan addressing the deficit to them at the March 2, 2009 meeting. De Anza senior staff are looking at various options including suspending some vacant positions. The faculty obligation for the District is 516. It costs the district approx. $30K per position in penalties if the district does not meet its faculty obligation figure. The plan is to hire faculty to meet the obligation but it was agreed that it is a moral dilemma to hire faculty while employees are concerned for their jobs.
  • Enrollment: The loss of FTES from Job Corp would have to be made up with on-campus enrollment.
  • Morale: The moral of many employees is low due to concern over budget reductions and loss of jobs.
  • Communication: Jeanpierre asked the team for ideas on how to effectively communicate with both the campus and the division during the budget crisis. Some ideas were:
    • Budget website
    • Town Hall
    • DASB Informational meeting to impart relevant and accurate information to the students
    • Campus wide clean up day for moral boosting
    • Revenue generation ideas

Present: Jeanpierre, Jenkins, Jones-Dulin, Kahn, Michaelis, Montgomery. Note taker: Gibson.

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