Meeting Notes - April 13, 2010

1) Approve Notes of March 9, 2010.

The notes were approved.

2) Accreditation

Jeanpierre advised the team that she would meet with her Standard III accreditation co-chairs later in the week and would work to set up a process which would include Campus Budget. She would like to use the expertise of all the governance group team members to assist with the accreditation process. Specifically, Jeanpierre would like Campus Budget to be a part of the human resources & fiscal resources sections under Standard III.

Marketing will be distributing templates to assist with organizing the documentation.

The team reviewed the "general timeline for completing De Anza's self study" which is posted on the accreditation web site. Jenkins gave an overview of progress so far and planning for meeting future deadlines.

New faculty are a valuable resources and should be encouraged to participate.

Jeanpierre will keep the accreditation item on the Campus Budget agenda.

3) Setting Future Agendas

The district would like the colleges to consider a collaborative grants office which would seek out grants and support the current grant writers across the district.

Jeanpierre asked the team for their input and suggestions for submission to the conversation and posed the question - to what extent would De Anza College want to participate? Jeanpierre is meeting with Brett Watson, Shirley Barker & Richard Galope in early May to discuss development of a new grants office oversight committee.

  • A grants office would be a significant benefit to grant writers and would allow the colleges to look for alternative funding sources which may provide broader services/programs to our students
  • De Anza College should have representation in the grants office to ensure the interests of the College are included
  • Some concern that the present Workforce office is located at Foothill College
  • A grants office should be a viable entity and able to produce adequate revenues to be financially self sustaining
  • Ni To and Bret Watson are the two district employees who currently work on grants and would likely be included in any new grants office
  • If a grants office was approved, the District would likely ask C.S. Foothill and De Anza for funding to finance the direct start up costs
  • Chancellor Thor, Presidents Miner and Murphy all support the proposal of a grants office
  • A grants office should develop strategic goals and these goals should support De Anza College's goals
  • A central grants office would be able to pull from districtwide resources as well as keep track of current proposals and potential grant offerings.
  • If we invest in a grants office we should ensure any money we invest will give a good return.
Jeanpierre showed examples from other colleges' grants office. Sinclair C.C. is the leader in obtaining grants. They have already funded 2600 projects with a total of $128.5 million in grant funding.

In conclusion, the team requested that three of our current successful grant writers come to the next Campus Budget Meeting to give the team their insight.

NSF - Jane Ostrander

PSME - Jerry Rosenberg

Impact/API - Mae Lee

4) Board Updates

  • International travel needs BOT approval.
  • Instructional materials and use fees: Faculty are posting more information online and have reduced hard copy handouts. If materials fees are not spent on tangible items, they have to be refunded. Materials fees must be a requirement of the course curriculum.
  • Facilities Use fees are being reviewed. 
  • The Campus Center Use Fee is also being reviewed. A Board item will be submitted on the May 2010 agenda to recommend keeping the fee at $16/quarter to cover the cost of two additional custodians. This will free up the present fund 14 custodian to assist with cleaning of the rest of the campus. The campus center building is paid for but ongoing improvements and maintenance is not covered.
5) Burning Issues

IPBT: IPBT is prioritizing 6 new faculty hires to meet the faculty obligation. They will also be performing program renew updates annually.

FPBT: FPBT will meet tomorrow and with focus on accreditation.

SSPBT: A new co-chair will shortly be approved. They are recommending that a future co-chair could come from any group on campus. The team's purpose and function would be reviewed after the reorganization is complete.

Teri Gerard is sending out the 2010-11 Budget Worksheets.

Jeanpierre noted there will be some shifting of monies due to movements in staffing.

Present: Argyriou, Bloom, Gerard, Jeanpierre, Jenkins, Lee-Klawender, Patlan, Reza. Notes: Gibson

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