Meeting Notes - March 19, 2019

Location: Admin 109
Time: 4:00 - 5:00 PM

Co-chairs: Lorrie Ranck (administrator), Mary Pape (faculty)

Administrative reps: Sam Bliss, Randy Bryant, Moaty Fayek, Thomas Ray

Classified reps: Lorna Maynard

Faculty reps: Alves de Lima, Rich Booher, Milena Grozeva, Anu Khanna,

Student reps:

Apologies: Anthony Caceres, Alicia Cortez, Anita Muthyala-Kandula, Rick Maynard, Ian Robertsson

Guests: Lisa Markus, Mallory Newell

Approval of Minutes was tabled until next meeting since the notes from last meeting were unavailable.

Lorrie Ranck reviewed the summary of allocations as presented to and approved by the College Council on March 14, 2019. $100,000 of String Workforce Regional funds were set aside for BUS/CIS/AT. BUS/CIS/AT Division is the only Division likely to have Strong Workforce Regional Fund needs. Randy Bryant asked what the process would be if for some reason a Department/Division could not spend allocated funds on the item it was allocated for because they now had the item, item was no longer available, etc. The Division may choose to purchase another item on the IPBT approved list in its place without explicit permission of the IPBT.

Lorrie Ranck will send copy of summary of resource allocation spreadsheet presented to College Council to all members of the IPBT.

As IPBT members have concluded the allocations for 2017-18 Program Review, the decision was made to codify the process. The final resource allocation spreadsheet used for 2017-18 was used for creating a better blank resource allocation form for 2018-19. M. Pape will make some updates and send to all members of IPBT and all department chairs. A “Facilities” tab will be added later.  Lorrie Ranck will present it to Division Deans. While the date of April 12, 2019 remains firm for submitting Program Review to Dean of Instruction, the Division Deans will be given more time to perfect their Division resource request spreadsheet.

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