Technology Plan Development Timeline
Strategic Capabilities workshop
General technology plan discussion
District and Colleges’ administrative
and technology leadership
Marisa Spatafore, De Anza Associate
Vice President of Communications
Joe Moreau, District Vice Chancellor of
Judy Baker, Foothill Dean of Online
Technology Survey
Technology Plan discussions
Technology Plan workgroup appointment
Workgroup meetings and document drafting
Review of draft Technology Plan, committee
discussion; recommendations subsequently
Presentation draft to governance groups
Request for College Council approval
De Anza staff and faculty
Technology Committee
Technology Committee
Technology Committee
Technology Committee
Technology Committee co-chairs/
Technology Plan workgroup members
Technology Committee co-chairs
Spring 2016
Spring 2016
June 2016
June–October 2016
Meeting of
Nov. 4, 2016
Dec. 8, 2016
Fig. 3
April 2015
September 2015
In order to inform the college’s Technology Plan, the Technology Committee in spring 2016
sent a comprehensive survey to all De Anza College employees. Highlights include:
• Of all respondents, 35% listed their job classification as part-time faculty, followed by 30%
classified professional, 29% full-time faculty and 9% administrator.
• When asked to rank the most important items in prioritizing major educational technology
initiatives and projects at De Anza, respondents listed “Positive Impact” at the top,
followed by “Security,” “Compliance,” and “Cost Savings.”
• Of respondents, 92% stated they use Microsoft Office the most in their role at the college,
followed by Outlook/OWA (72%) and Banner (44%).
• The training that respondents said would be most helpful in their daily work was Microsoft
Excel (42%) followed by instructional video production (27%), Microsoft PowerPoint (26%)
and Acrobat Pro (25%).
• Forty-one percent of respondents stated they use Catalyst. Of these, 87% are very
satisfied or satisfied with Catalyst overall.
• Ninety-nine percent of respondents said their computer hardware needs are being met.
4 Last Updated: 7/31/23