I. Strategic Capabilities
The college in April 2015 participated in the technology strategic capabilities workshop
sponsored by the district vice chancellor of technology and Educational Technology Services
(ETS). Most De Anza senior staff members, including the president, were in attendance, as
was the dean of Learning Resources, who oversees Online Education.
College leadership established strategic capabilities (a “set of capacities, resources and
skills”) and goals for De Anza as they relate to technology. The high-level goals include those
which, as structured within the workshop framework (see fi g.4 below), are in the category of
“improv[ing] student, faculty or staff experience.”
1. Ubiquitous, agile technology across the campus community
2. Teaching, learning and student engagement
3. Deeper research into student success and subsequent responses (i.e. actions taken to
facilitate improvement)
4. Professional development
It is worthwhile to note that the college technology survey conducted in May 2016 (report pp.
20–22, question 4; see Appendix) found clear support for prioritizing technology initiatives
that make a positive impact on students, as do each of the above, versus projects designed
to increase security, ensure compliance or achieve cost savings.
Another strategic capability is dynamic forecasting of tech capabilities, i.e., predicting,
analyzing and taking advantage of innovations and trends in educational technology, rather
than being a late adopter. Others include facilities management through technology and
fi nancial forecasting.
As conducted within the workshop exercise and as graphically represented below, these
goals “improve institutional ROI” and “organizational effi ciency.” As such, and given joint
responsibilities and the remove from educational technology and students, these could
be discussed as eventual goals with district ETS and Business Services, but will not be
addressed in this plan focused on primary goals.
Through Technology
Financial Forecasting
Student Engagement*
Pedagogy Supported
by Ubiquitous, Agile
Dynamic Forecasting
of Tech Capabilities
Deeper Research Into
Student Success and
Subsequent Responses
Staff Development
Improves Student, Faculty or Staff Experience
Personal Productivity
*Top priorities
Fig. 4
Adapted from Strategic
Capabilities Workshop
Improves Institutional ROI
Organizational Efficiency Last Updated: 7/31/23