Goal 2: Teaching, learning and student engagement
Collaborate with Academic Senate, other partners on the
development of open educational resources
Assist as affordable and feasible in the organized provision
of tablets and similar devices in classrooms and programs
Guide the continual growth of course management system
functionality to foster meaningful student-instructor and
student-to-student communication.
Collaborate with its accessibility expert and Disability
Support Programs and Services (DSPS) to continually
evaluate accessibility and Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) compliance across the website, learning manage-
ment system and student information systems
Improve access to student and academic services via
Implementation Activities
Initiate discussions and initial planning
Initiate conversations with Instructional
and Student Services PBTs
• Perform faculty/student needs
• Evaluate possible solutions
• Ensure routine attentiveness within
key workgroups
• Add standing agenda item at TC
meetings for discussion of accessibility
needs, opportunities and compliance
Regular input from TC members to ETAC
and Banner on key topics
Fig. 6
Goal 3: Deeper research into student success and subsequent responses
Collect and analyze data to guide the enrichment
of the student experience through technology.
Research and work to implement device-independent
technologies that improve student access and equity
Implementation Activities
Assess help request tickets, website analytics;
continue to conduct regular technology
surveys; utilize results for improvements
Work collaboratively with ETAC and Banner
committees to improve student access and
services by maintaining membership on each
committee and providing input
Fig. 7
Goal 4: Professional development
Cultivate a culture in which technology training is
understood to beneficial for all employees
Evaluate technology training needs and priorities
Implementation Activities
Communicate opportunities through multiple
Utilize technology survey results, participation
data, qualitative assessment; incorporate
training for new tools
Fig. 8
9 Last Updated: 7/31/23