IV. Evaluation
Goal 1: Support ubiquitous, agile technology across the campus community
Promote the consolidation of technology functions to yield
economies of scale and/or foster better communication
Assist with the transition of the course management
system from Catalyst to Canvas
Create a map for technology support
Demonstrable consolidations
Documented student and faculty satisfac-
tion, e.g. through surveys
Documented awareness of map and usage
of resources, e.g. through surveys, website
Fig. 9
Goal 2: Teaching, learning and student engagement
Collaborate with Academic Senate, other partners on the
development of open educational resources
Assist as affordable and feasible in the organized provision
of tablets and similar devices in classrooms and programs
Guide the continual growth of course management system
functionality to foster meaningful student-instructor and
student-to-student communication
Collaborate with its member accessibility expert and
Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) to
continually evaluate accessibility and Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance across the website,
learning management system and student information
Improve access to student and academic services via
Creation and use of open educational
Documented conversations; procurement
and use as able
Documented student and faculty satisfac-
tion, e.g. through surveys
Demonstrated accessibility and compli-
ance, e.g. through testing
Demonstrated increased usage, e.g.
through website analytics, and/or student
satisfaction, e.g. through surveys
Fig. 10
10 Last Updated: 7/31/23