Student Learning Programs and Services. Related specifically to II.A and II.C, the Technology
Committee provides support for Online Education. Innovative ways to ensure the same level
of online support to students as in face-to-face classes, and further advancing regular and
substantive interaction between instructor and students, are ongoing discussions of the
Technology Committee.
Importantly, the dean of Learning Resources and an instructional designer serve as key
members of the Technology Committee. This link enables the Technology Committee, with
its broad membership, to be the clearinghouse for information about the college’s Online
Education program.
Through surveys and by offering feedback from attendees at the college’s technology
professional development trainings, the committee will collaborate in the types and content
of such trainings. Professional development is addressed in Standard IV. In addition, ongoing
evaluation and efforts toward continuous improvement are addressed in Standard IB.
The Technology Plan also addresses Standard III.C through its support of ubiquitous, agile
technology across the campus community. The migration from the Catalyst to Canvas
learning management system is one such example. In addition to providing the students
with a superior experience, the use of Canvas positions instructors to offer courses under
the statewide Online Education Initiative (OEI), hosted at the Foothill-De Anza Community
College District. All instructors will have the option to use Canvas for their on-campus, hybrid
and online classes. Moreover, the plan’s establishment of a technology map will ensure
that students, faculty, staff and administrators will have access to reliable technology, with
software that protects their security, and support in using it.
12 Last Updated: 7/31/23