Question 14:
Are your computer hardware (e.g. desktop, laptop, monitor) needs being met?
A place to print with my laptop on campus would be helpful, but maybe the resource already exists a
I'm just not aware of it yet...
adjustable computer tables
As an adjunct, I cannot update ads needed.
computers can be very slow and affect class
Computers in department old and no software updates, especially security updates.
Difficult ot know when the next computer re-fresh is. I found out my desktop has the equivalent of a
old laptop hard drive, so it is underperforming for its footprint.
Due for a New Computer
emrgency eeds always adressed swiftly, but bi-annual upgrades would help
I need more RAM. The standard is too rigid. I have a faster processor than I need for my work (which
involves keeping many windows open but doesn't require a speedy CPU) and I don't have enough RA
to keep all those windows open simultaneously.
I provide my own hardware and software
It has to be maintained and updated by Tech Help.
It would be nice to have increased privileges to do basic things like defragmenting my drive.
MacBook Pro not working well
Managers computers/software should be updated by ETS each year so that all managers are using th
same formats.
Many classrooms are not up to date with tech
my keyboard tray 'bounces' need another since our tech staff already tried to fix without success.
need 2nd monitor for students to view so I dont continue to have erogonomic issues
Need both a current laptop and desktop considering the number of hours on a computer and to assi
me in assisting students whereever they are.
need new ones
Need Tech to clean up glitches on Degree Works and using Portal sign in plus freezing screens while
displaying Student info for planning and advising.
Need to keep the latest versions updated and not always happening. Example Banner and Java
need to order a desktop withdual monitor with ETS, need ergonomics equipment for both laptiop an
Need updated, need consistent wifi in SC1
need upgrade OS on classroom compter
obsolete and slow
outdated and slow
partially met. Difficult to find support to make the software I use work properly in the PSME's divisio
Appendix Legend:
Educational Technology Services (ETS)
Online Education Last Updated: 7/31/23