Guaranteed Admission Programs
Guaranteed Admission is more commonly referred to by the term Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG). A TAG is a contractual agreement that provides DAC students guaranteed admission to a participating transfer college or university. A TAG may not be available for all majors, impacted programs, and colleges or schools at a participating TAG college or university. Students interested in completing a TAG must satisfy specified admission and course requirements in a timely manner in order to be guaranteed admission to a participating TAG college or university.
Upon confirming eligibility for a TAG, students are encouraged to meet with a DAC counselor or academic adviser and/or a university admissions representative (when available) to review and confirm course selection.
Fall 2025 UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)
- Create a UC Transfer Admission Planner (TAP) account to apply for the UC TAG
- Visit the UC Transfer Admission Guarantee website
- View the UC TAG Matrix
- Visit our UC TAG Page for information applicable to DAC students
Participating TAG Colleges and Universities
TAG Campus | Min. GPA Required to Sign TAG | Min. Units Required to Complete TAG | Transfer Term TAG Filing Period2 |
UC Davis |
Varies by major1 | 45 UC-transferable quarter units |
Fall 2025 |
UC Irvine
Varies by major1 | 45 UC-transferable quarter units |
Fall 2025 |
UC Merced |
Varies by major1 | 45 UC-transferable quarter units |
Fall 2025 Spring 2026 |
UC Riverside |
Varies by major1 | 45 UC-transferable quarter units |
Fall 2025 Winter 2026 |
UC Santa Barbara |
Varies by major1 | 45 UC-transferable quarter units |
Fall 2025 |
UC Santa Cruz |
Varies by major1 | 45 UC-transferable quarter units |
Fall 2025 |
Arizona State University | Varies1 | 36 transferable quarter units |
Fall and Spring Contact De Anza's |
Santa Clara University | 3.3 (NOTE: TAA available only for majors in the College of Arts & Sciences, excluding Economics major) |
See Footnote3 |
Fall 2025 |
3.0 | 36 transferable quarter units |
Fall and Spring |
California Community Colleges-Historically Black Colleges Transfer Guarantee Program |
Varies by college/university campus and by major1 | Varies by college/university campus and by major1 |
Varies by campus E-mail: Phone: (310) 660-3593 ext. 7729 |
1 GPA and minimum unit requirements vary by major and/or college or university campus and remains subject to change. Supplemental information is available on the respective college/university guaranteed admission website.
2 TAA/TAG admission for Winter and Spring terms to UC are subject to change. Visit this web page periodically for updates.
3 At least two-thirds (2/3) of the required subject areas must be completed at the
time of Santa Clara University (SCU) TAA submission. For example, English, Math,
and Science are required, thus, two of those three areas must be complete at the time
the TAA is submitted. Review the full SCU TAA criteria.
Questions about guaranteed admission?
Students may schedule an appointment with a counselor or academic adviser either by phone, e-mail, Zoom video. The Counseling & Advising Center is also responding to questions through Online Adviser.
- Meet with a DAC counselor or academic adviser:
- Transfer Center (available by appointment)
- Counseling & Advising Center (available by appointment)
- International Student Programs Office (open to F-1 Visa students only)
- EOPS (open to program participants only)
- Visit the DAC Our Counselors page for additional advising options available to students.
- Sign up for a transfer workshop
- Transfer Center Workshops (open to all DAC students)
- ISP Workshops (open to F-1 Visa students only)
- Meet with a university admissions representative:
- Visit the Transfer Center College and University Representative Visits page
DISCLAIMER: The final responsibility for successful transfer rests with the student. The information posted on this website is designed to assist students in obtaining the most accurate transfer-related information possible. However, this information is subject to change without notice, which may subsequently impact admission to a transfer college or university.
Students are encouraged to meet as early as possible in their academic careers and periodically with a DAC counselor or academic adviser to develop a Student Education Plan and with a transfer college or university admissions representative to confirm their choice of classes.