The California History Center
proudly presents the 13th Annual De Anza College Commemoration

Three Japanese boys behind fence

Day of Remembrance

Race Prejudice, War Hysteria, and the Failure of Political Leadership: The World War II Internment of Japanese Americans and its Relevance to the Defense of Civil Liberties Today.

The California History Center invites you to participate in the thirteenth annual De Anza College Day of Remembrance.

Date: Thursday, February 19, 2015
Time: 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location: Campus Center, Conference Rooms A & B

Join with Japanese American communities throughout the country who annually commemorate February 19, 1942 and the signing of Executive Order 9066 as a “Day of Remembrance”. This executive order led to the mass racial profiling and eventual imprisonment of over 119,000 Japanese Americans without due process and with no regard for their constitutional rights.

The community now uses this date to encourage active participation in the defense of civil liberties and has promoted reflection and understanding of racial profiling such as the post 9/11 scapegoating of Muslims and Arab Americans and the long-standing police brutality and mass incarceration targeting African Americans and others. This year’s event will also share lessons learned from the movement to win redress/reparations for the World War II internment.

Under  the theme of “Ferguson: Racial Profiling, Mass Incarceration, and Civil Liberties”, the commemoration is offered as part of a series of activities – including faculty-  and student-led teach-ins and the “Remembering Civil Liberties” public art fence installation.

 The Audrey Edna Butcher Civil Liberties Education Initiative of the California History Center aims to engage De Anza College students, staff, and members of the local community in active study of civil liberties issues and democratic values informed by local and regional history. For more information, contact Tom Izu, 408-864-8986,

Event Flyer

For more information, contact Tom Izu at 408.864.8986 or by e-mail at

Sponsors: California History Center and The Audrey Edna Butcher Civil Liberties Education Initiative.

Accessibility: The event is wheelchair accessible. Sign language interpreter or other accommodations available upon request 5 business days prior to event.

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