EWRT 1B Paper Topic #1
In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan
Instructions: Choose one of the options below to plan, write, and edit an essay directed at a reader who is intelligent and well-informed, already familiar with Pollan’s book, and impatient with idle talk about your topic. In other words, craft the sort of thesis-driven essay that Trimble encourages in Chapters 1 – 5 of Writing with Style.
Analysis Paper
Use the lecture, “Reading Non-fiction,” as the basis for this essay. Allow the following questions to prompt your thinking: In your own words, what is the thesis of In Defense of Food? What are the chief strategies that Pollan uses to develop his thesis? How would you describe Pollan’s writing style? In what ways does this style serve the needs of his readers?
Your paper should be approximately 1,000 words in length, written in correct MLA format.
Comparison Paper
Read one of the following Michael Pollan books on food, health and culture, and compare it to In Defense of Food. Consider elements of meaning, strategy, and style. What do the books have in common? What is different? How do you account for the differences? In what ways do the two books complement each other? In what ways does each cover new, albeit related, territory?
The Omnivore’s Dilemma
The Botany of Desire
Second Nature