EWRT 1A Journal

Your journal is due during normal class time on Thursday, June 16. If you wish to turn it in earlier, please slide it under your professor's office door (F61c). You will receive your graded journal back at the final exam.

We have written 18 in-class journal assignments, as well as numerous notes on small group and individual work. Include all of this work in your journal.

If you've used the pre-bound journal that I recommended at the beginning of the quarter, now is the time to prepare it for submission. If you've used loose leaf pages for your journal this quarter, you should begin to assemble it now. Create a title page and contents for your journal. Make a little booklet of your exploratory writing this quarter, an informal companion to your slightly more formal essays. Number the pages. Bind it simply in a small booklet or a simple manila folder. Do not encase it in a three-ring binder or similar contraption. Even a clear plastic cover will do. Are you an artist? Why not make a colorful cover? Take pride in your work. Submit it, as Trimble says, in apple pie order, as if to a learned journal.

Points Possible: 100

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