Paper #2 - Analysis Essay

Plan, write, and revise a 750-word essay (approximately 3 typed pages) on the following topic:

Choose ONE of the elements of fiction as the focus of your analysis of Denny's story collection The Gill Man in Purgatory:

  • PLOT: Examine the interaction between the main plot of "Sisters & Brothers" and the subplot of the classic Bogart/Bacall movie. How are they related? In what ways does the side-story of the old black & white movie inform the main story of the narrator's fateful drive up Hwy 1?
  • CHARACTER: Trace the development of Bret Singleton, protagonist of "The Way with Everything." How does his experience in the tomato patch change him? Examine the effect of the story's events upon his inner life. In what ways is he a different boy after his encounter with the farmer?
  • POINT OF VIEW: Discuss the effect of Denny's choice to tell "Which Nazi Are You?" in the first-person, from Carol's point of view. How does her perspective influence the language, tone, and theme of the story? What advantages are gained by limiting the POV to the consciousness of a 10 year old girl? Are there any disadvantages? Does the email format influence the story's effect upon the reader?
  • SETTING: Explore the impact of setting upon the protagonist in "Creation Story." How do the details of his swim across the lake contribute to the changes he experiences? In what sense is the lake swim symbolic of a transformative journey, or quest? You might consider the direction of his swim, the truncated sense of time, his experience with nature, and the symbolic nature of his ultimate transformation.
  • THEME: Choose one of the main topics (i. e., bodyweight obsession, religion, personal transformation) in the satirical story, "The Miracula of Chumley Barker." What does the author seem to be saying about your topic? How does the use of irony and humor contribute to his theme? Cite a few key passages in the story that support your interpretation.
  • SYMBOL: Explain both the literal and symbolic function of a few key objects and events in "The Art of Divination," demonstrating how something concrete can also take on an abstract level of meaning. You might consider the crossroads setting, the cell phone, the pumps, the geese, the gas receipt, the Roman sacrifices, or the father's cap, among others. In what ways does the ability to interpret symbolism enrich the narrative and affect the reading experience?
  • STYLE: Novelist Elizabeth McKenzie proclaims David Denny "a master of voices and moods." Considering either "Coins for the Ferryman" or "Not Talking About the Moon," analyze the way in which Denny's stylistic choices create the illusion of voice and/or mood. What habits of diction, sentence patterns, tone, or other stylistic features characterize his particular writing style?

Specs: Write your paper for someone who has already read the stories. Thus, there is no need to summarize your story for them. In fact, until you stick your neck out and say something arguable, they're not going to be interested at all. Your purpose is to explain a single aspect of the story, arguing that this aspect will enhance their understanding and appreciation of the book. Think of your chosen element as the key to unlocking the meaning of the story. Delicately use the skills of paraphrasing, quoting, or summary as needed to support your most important claims. Before you bring your paper in for our peer editing session, apply Trimble's five-point checklist. In fact, the student sample paper on Trimble pages 36-38 is a pretty good model of the kind of analysis you're aiming for in this assignment.

Peer Editing: Bring 5 typewritten copies of your finished paper to class on Tuesday, May 24. You will receive written and oral feedback from your classmates regarding strengths and weaknesses in your paper.

Submission: Using relevant feedback from your classmates, revise once again. Upload your paper to our account by 11:59pm Thursday, May 26.

Paper Format: Be sure to use the MLA paper format and citations method. For details, see OWL's excellent web site w/examples: MLA Format. You might also find these short MLA format videos helpful.

Class ID: 12545399

Password: paper4denny

100 points possible. A five-point late penalty will be imposed upon papers received after the deadline.

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