Acct 66 Cost Accounting

Call Number 23557


Schedule ID

Acct 66-61Z






Principles of Cost Accounting 17th ed, Vanderbeck, Mitchell, Cengage - including Cengage website code - purchase text at DeAnza bookstore

Assignments and Lecture Notes

Week Date This Week's Topics Assignments Due
1 09/26/16 Week 1 Chapter 1
 Orientation Catalyst
2 10/3/16 Week 2 Chapter 2  Cengage Ch 1 HW, Catalyst Web#1
3 10/10/16

Week 3 Chapter 3

 Cengage Ch 2 HW
4 10/17/16

Week 4 Chapter 4

 Cengage Ch 3 HW, Catalyst Web#2
5 10/24/16

Week 5 Chapter 5

 Cengage Ch 4 HW

Compr Problem (Catalyst) due 10/24

Midterm Ch 1-4 on 10/28

Online open 4PM, close 11:59PM 2 hour exam

6 10/31/16

Week 6 Chapter 6

 Cengage Ch 5 HW
7 11/7/16

Week 7 Chapter 7

 Cengage Ch 6 HW
8 11/14/16

Week 8 Chapter 8

 Cengage Ch 7 HW
9 11/21/16

Week 9 Chapter 9

 Cengage Ch 8 HW
10 11/28/16

Week 10 Chapter 10

 Cengage Ch 9/10 HW

Compr Problem #2 due 11/29

11 12/05/16

Review and Final Exam

 Final Exam Friday, 12/9 in Forum 3 at 4PM - bring a calculator and one page of notes (both sides) and picture ID
12 12/12/16

Course Review and final exercise

 Catalyst exercise due 12/13


Homework (Cengage and Catalyst) 100 points

Midterm (online) ............................100 (approximate)

Final Exam....................................200

Total .............................................400 points (90% of total =A, 80% = B, 70%=C, 60%=D, 59%=F)

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