Real Estate Principles
REST-050.-61ZSummer 2009
Call# 1057
4.0 Units
To sit for the CA Real Estate Sales License Exam:
Successful completion of three college-level courses is required to
qualify for a real estate salesperson examination:
Real Estate Principles REST 50, and
Real Estate Practice REST 51, and
One course from the following list:
Property Management REST 59
Real Estate Finance REST 53
Real Estate Economics Legal Aspects of Real Estate REST 52A
General Accounting ACCT 1A
Business Law BUS 18
There are other courses (than those listed above) you can take for the third course,
but they are not currently offered by DeAnza.
Once you complete the three courses, you apply to sit for the license exam with the California Bureau of Real Estate
De Anza College Distance Learning Center Information
Location: LCW-102
Phone: 408-864-8969 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 408-864-8969 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
FAX: 408-864-8245
Service Hours: M-Th: 8:00 AM-6:30 PM; Fri/Sat/Sun: Closed
PREREQUISITES - (Recommended)
Eligibility for EWRT 1A; BUS 20 advised.
Fundamentals of real estate; economics, law, working concepts, forms and terminology.
Successful completion of this course along with completion of REST 51 - REST Practices
and one other REST broker course (for example, Appraisal, REST Finance, Business Law,
Accounting, REST Property Management and others - see the DRE website
for a full listing) provides eligibility to sit for the California Real Estate Salesperson
For information on California licensing, experience and educational requirements go
to the Dept. of RE website:
This course can be taken in the traditional, on campus format, here at De Anza along
with other broker courses that can be utilized for your sales and broker's license.
Go to the De Anza website for details.
Be prepared to spend up to 12 hours per week (24 hours in Summer) using and studying
course materials.
1. Register for the class and complete the Online Orientation and submit the Student
Information Form by the deadline - Online Orientation may be found at this address:
Complete the online orientation in Catalyst in addition to the Distance Learning Center
orientation prior to the end of the first week of the term
Pre-registered students who do not complete the online orientations by the deadline
will be dropped to make room for students on the wait list.
2. View the twenty half-hour "Real Estate 50" video programs, and two one-hour "Real
Estate Review Videos."
3. Complete all reading assignments.
4. Participate and turn in the homework assigned from the from the Catalyst site.
5. Pass the midterm exam and comprehensive final exam.
This course almost ALWAYS fills before the first day of classes - once the quarter begins and if the class is filled to its maximum, NO ADDS, even if on Wait List ** see ^^WHEN OFFERED below.
Enrolled students may not log in (Catalyst will not be active) until the first day
of classes; if by chance this changes, the instructor will notify you via email.
** Wait Listed Students:
When enrolled students drop BEFORE final rosters are printed (Wednesday before classes begin), wait listed students automatically move into enrolled seats - an email is sent to the enrolled student letting them know of their "new" status and to pay their fees within five days if they want to officially maintain their enrolled status.
To view/monitor what the current enrollment looks like for the upcoming quarter/session,
and/or registration info, please go to:
If the class is currently full and you are not on the Wait List, getting on the Wait List (through the registration process) will be the only chance of getting in. Once classes begin, those who are on the waitlist may e-mail me and at the end of the first week I will provide add codes based on the student's place on the wait list and the number of seats available. In order to receive an add code a student must be on the waitlist, e-mail me after the first day of class and prior to 8AM on Friday of the first week. Then, based on the number of openings add codes will be given to those who have e-mailed the instructor and are high enough on the waitlist to be added on that Friday. Once you get an add code, make sure you register online and pay your fees in order to retain your spot in the class.
^^WHEN OFFERED : Generally, the online REST 50 course is scheduled for the summer
session only. In Fall, Winter and Spring at DeAnza REST 50 is generally taught in
the traditional manner in the evening.
See the De Anza Web site for Registration Information; additional information on all Classes the college offers; @ . For general information on the Distance Learning Program, please go to:
TAKEN AT THE SCHEDULED TIME - see below for details - AND THE FINAL IS ON Monday ,
After completing the reading assignments and watching the video programs, you should
be able to:
1. Understand vocabulary, concepts and applications of the real estate environment
in the California market.
2. Learn to recognize legal problems in real estate.
3. Describe real property and real property ownership.
4. Describe forms of holding title in real estate.
5. Explain the various ways real estate is purchased, appraised and financed.
6. Describe the agency relationship in real estate.
7. Identify the disclosures required in selling certain types of real property.
8. Explain the escrow and title process.
9. Identify basic subdivisions and governmental control
10. Explain basic taxation issues involving real property ownership.
Phone: 408-864-8455
Purchase at the De Anza College Bookstore:
1. Huber, California Real Estate Principles, latest ed Educational Textbook Publishers
2. Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones Publishing Co. Recommended
[Text Refund Deadline: see De Anza Website for details]
Office Hours Held: By appointment/online in summer
Phone/Voicemail: (408) 864-8622
Fax Telephones: (408) 864-8245, 864-5546
Office Location: F-51a
See De Anza Academic and Administrative Calendar
2 Exams at 100 each = 200 points
Written Web Homework and Web/Forum Discussions = 30 points
Total = 230 points
90% and above = A
80% and above = B
70% and above = C
Homework Due Dates all homework is posted in Catalyst:
Forum/Web Discussion #1 Due: 7/9
Forum/Web Discussion #2 Due: 7/16 - go through an open house and comment on its presentation by the sales agent
Copy the math problems from Catalyst (posted after exam 1) answer the questions, turn into the DLC - you may also fax into the DLC - Due: 7/30.
Grading Policies: If you sign up for the course and complete the orientation you are enrolled. If you do not complete the orientation you are dropped as a no-show. If you do not take the midterm examination you will be dropped with a W grade.
Once you have indicated your enrollment in the class, it is your responsibility to monitor your enrollment and drop yourself if you believe you cannot pass the class. Other than failing to take the first midterm exam, it is entirely the student's responsibility to drop himself or herself in accordance with college guidelines and dates.
Incomplete grades are only available under the following conditions: The student has done all of the work in the course and cannot take the final exam because of an emergency (verifiable illness, family death, car accident etc). If the issue arises prior to the date for withdrawal, then the student will take a W. If it occurs after the withdrawal date and all work in the course has been completed and a verifiable emergency has taken place, then an incomplete grade can be given. Please note, these are exceedingly rare
Video Lessons:
Lesson 1: Introduction to Real Estate/California Real Estate Principles
Lesson 2: Legal Description, Methods of Acquiring Title, and Deeds
Lesson 3: Encumbrances, Liens, and Homesteads / Agency Relationships
Lesson 4: Real Estate Agency
Lesson 5: Real Estate Contracts
Lesson 6: Practical Real Estate Mathematics
Lesson 7: Introduction to Real Estate Finance
Lesson 8: Real Estate Appraisal
Lesson 9: Landlord and Tenant Relations/Land Use, Planning and
Government Control
Lesson 10: Taxes and Real Estate
Reading Assignments:
Week Chapter
1 - 1, 14
2 - 2, 3, 4
3 - 5, 6, 15
4 - 7, 8, 9
5 - 10-13
6 -
Week - Due Date - Reading & Written Assignments
1 --- Intro - Lesson 1: Introduction to Real Estate/California Real Estate Principles
1 --- Lesson 2: Legal Description, Methods of Acquiring Title, Deeds
2 --- Lesson 3: Encumbrances, Liens, and Homesteads / Agency Relationships
Forum/Web Assignment #1:Due: 7/9;
2 --- Lesson 4: Real Estate Agency;
3 --- Lesson 5: Contracts
3 --- Lesson 6: Practical Real Estate Mathematics Forum/Web Discussion #2 Due 7/16
4 --- Lesson 7: Introduction to Real Estate Finance
4 --- Lesson 8: Real Estate Appraisal ONLINE EXAM July 17
5 --- Lesson 9: Landlord and Tenant Relations/Land Use, Planning and Gov't Control
5 --- Lesson 10: Taxes and Real Estate; Math Assignment - Homework #3 Due: July 30 in Distance Learning Center by 6:00 PM - you may fax it in or drop it off
6 ---Final exam online Monday, August 3
Web Discussions (Cyberclass), go to Discussion, login, answer Real Estate 50, Distance Learning web question.
For students viewing the weekly telecourse lessons on Comcast cable, the following
link will give you the broadcast schedule:
Twenty - half-hour Real Estate video programs.
Two one-hour Real Estate Review videotapes.
Viewing Options
- Watch at home during the cable TV broadcasts.
- Tape record your video programs during the telecasts and view them when convenient.
- View programs in the De Anza College Open Media Lab.
- Check out tapes from the Open Media Lab to view at home.
- SMART DASB Card required. The Smart Card Office is located on the lower level of the Hinson Center (408-864-5551).
- DLC ID Card required (available at the De Anza College Distance Learning Center, LCW-102).
- One tape at a time may be checked out for 48 hours.
- Return tapes to Open Media Lab or in the drop box outside of Learning Center West (please report any videotape technical problems).
- Late fines: $2.00/day (maximum fine-$25.00);replacement/lost tape charge: $50.00/tape.
- The video lessons are also available by videostreaming. See below for videostreaming
VIDEOSTREAMING INSTRUCTIONS > A high speed Internet connection is needed to view the videostreams. If you are connecting from home, this generally means a cable modem or DSL connection. > > To access the streams: go the Catalyst web site at: > and login by following the instructions below. You will not be able to login until the first day of instruction. Once you've logged in, click on your course. The links to the videostreams, instructions and FAQ tips and troubleshooting are on this page.
Quick Login Instructions Username: Your De Anza College Student ID (NOT YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER). Password: Your Birthday in this format: MMDDYYYY (Two digit month, followed by two digit day, followed by FOUR digit year; no slashes or spaces.)Videos are streamed using RealPlayer. For a free download of the RealPlayer software and to test your computer go to the Distance Learning Center website . Select the "Technology" link, then the "Webcasts and Videostreams" link and follow the directions there.
TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR CATALYST: Please change to > For technical help with Catalyst (Moodle), please go to > There is a link to this page from the > Catalyst web site. Also, logon information and an FAQ are available at the > Catalyst web site
The quality of the videostream can be affected by Internet congestion on the De Anza Campus or network congestion with your Internet service provider.
Work on the lessons in the following order:
a. Review the lesson assignments in the study guide.
b. Read the textbook assignments (as listed on the assignment schedule).
c. View the assigned videotapes.
d. Complete assigned web exercises and turn them in by the due date.COMPLETE THE HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS
All assignments are due by 6:00 PM on the due date. Please retain a copy of your paper for your Math homework for your files. Submitting Assignments [for assignments that are not answered on the web page (the math problems at the end of the term): copy and attach a cover sheet that includes your name, course, instructor's name, assignment(s), date and your telephone number]:
Turn in your paper at the Distance Learning Center, room LCW-102 (for web assignment #3 only, the other two are posted to Catalyst. During regular hours drop them into the Homework Drop Box inside the office and sign in your name on the "Student Coursework Sign-In-Sheet" so there is a record of your paper being turned in there. After hours, drop them into the Homework Drop Box located by the Distance Learning Center back door (facing the California History Center).Mail your paper to: Michael Gough, De Anza College Distance Learning Center, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino, CA 95014 FAX your paper to one of the Distance Learning Center FAX machines: (408) 864-8245 or 864-5546.
Written Homework: During three selected weeks of the quarter, you will have homework assigned from the website. The assignments will consist of: Forum/Web Discussions:
During the term you will need to go to Catalyst, look for Forum Discussion #1 or #2, then click on the hotlink. There will be a question posted that you must respond to and post (that all in the class will be able to read). Then you must respond to at least one other student as part of the exercise. You can look at discussions by other classes on this website for an idea as to how this works.
Open House Summary:
During the term the second web assignments will require you to visit at least one open house during the weekend and write a summary of your experience on the website. Look in Catalyst for details on that assignment.
Real Estate Math:
The last web assignment will involve a real estate finance/appraisal problem where you will apply some of the math concepts utilized in the course and then you will turn that in (fax or drop off) to the distance learning center. Include your name, course number, the assignment and my name.For those of you looking for a RE text to prep for the state exam "How To Pass the Real Estate Exam" (850 Questions) by Huber from Educational Textbook Company - available at the De Anza bookstore.
Real Estate 50 Television Schedule: For students viewing the weekly telecourse lessons on Comcast cable, the following link will give you the broadcast schedule:
Summer Broadcasts:
CCN 1:
CCN 2:Reviews and Exams
Broadcast and Webstreamed on CCN1:Review #1: PMBroadcast and Webstreamed on CCN1:Review #2: PM
Exam #1:(ONLINE) open 4PM on Friday, July 17 and closes at 2AM on Saturday, July 18. -; , - 2 hours for the exam the exam covers chapters 1-6 and chapter 14
Exam #2: (ONLINE) open - from Monday, 8/3; 4:00 PM to Tuesday, 8/3; 2:00 AM - similar format to the midterm, the exam is comprehensive
Note to students with disabilities: If you have a disability-related need for reasonable academic accommodations or services in this course, provide (name of Instructor) with a Test Accommodation Verification Form (also known as a TAV form) from Disability Support Services (DSS) or the Educational Diagnostic Center (EDC). Students are expected to give five days notice of the need for accommodations. Students with disabilities can obtain a TAV form from their DSS counselor (864-8753 DSS main number) or EDC advisor (864-8839 EDC main number)