Political Thought and Theory



Political Thinking: The Perennial Questions. TINDER, GLENN 6th Edition (2004) 0-321-00527-9 Longman Classic Series.
Introduction to Political Thinkers, EBENSTEIN, ALAN 2nd Edition (2002) Thomson 9-780-15506666-3.
Syllabus; author: S. Heffner; 2009-2010 (College Bookstore, OR, download from Catalyst)

NOTE: You will not be able to log in until the morning [or early afternoon] of the first day of classes. If you are adding the course, it will take about 24 hours AFTER officially adding (see below for additional information).

Additional Materials: The two-page Green Sheet which will be handed out at the first class, may also be downloaded once accessing Catalyst.

Lee Vining

Catalyst; an enhanced virtual classroom and resource material site, will be your primary bookmark for this course, i.e., after logging in you will not need to revisit this current site again (where you are now).

At Catalyst you also will be:

  • submitting all written assignments.
  • tracking your point/grade progress.
  • find other useful resources to help you succeed in the course.

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