Test Review #1
Review for Test #1
Test on Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Chapter 1- Stress in Today’s World
- Define the 5 dimensions of health: Emotional, physical, intellectual, social, spiritual – (understand each)
- Define & know examples of stress, stressor, eustress, and distress
- What does it mean to be healthy? What is holistic health?
- What's the finding according to the National College Health Assessment?
- What determines the outcome of stress?
Chapter 2-Self-Assessment
- The average adult pulse rate (50-100 beats/min), respiration rate (12-16 breaths/min), normal heart rate (70-80 beats/min) ?
- What do these assessments access? Perceived stress scale, Tombstone test, Inventory of College Students' Recent Life Experiences, Adapted Ardell Wellness Stress Test, Stress Vulnerability Questionnaire.
- Why are these assessments so important?
- What did research indicates relating to stressed sleepers?
- What are some of the factors involved in how each individual deal with stress?
Chapter 3- The Science of Stress
- What is the relationship between stress & the immune system & the digestive system? (The physiological changes take place in your body when you experience stress)
- The adrenal glands produce what stress hormones?
- The pituitary gland controls what system?
- What are some health effects caused by chronically high cortisol level?
- What is the single purpose of the flight-or-flight stress response?
- Define homeostasis & the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)?
- What is the role of the Hypothalamus in association with stress?
- What are the 3 stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome? What happens to the body in each stage?
- What is the difference between sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous system?
Chapter 4- The Mind/Body Connection
- What is Psychosomatic?
- Psychiatrist David Spiegel found that stress hormones played a role in the progression of which disease?
- Stress is a coupled action of the body and mind involving the appraisal of what?
- The condition called Bruxism, what is it?
- What are the placebo and the nocebo effect?
- What disease is the number 1 cause of death in the US? Stress contributes to what percentages of illness in the US?
- What is Dr. Candace Pert’s believe on the connection between the body and mind?
- What is the relationship between relaxed people & unhappy people when it comes to illnesses?
Chapter 5- The Power of Perceptions
- What is Cognitive restructuring, self-limiting beliefs & premature cognitive commitments?
- What is Locus of control? What’s the difference between internal locus of control and external locus of control?
- How often are we in actual danger?
- The Chinese word for crisis consists of what 2 characters? (Culture Connection)
Chapter 6- Thinking and Choosing
- What is cognitive distortion? What are the 4 common cognitive distortions?
- What is the conditioned response theory?
- Define the 4 cognitive distortions: All-or-nothing thinking, personalizing, discounting the positive & assuming the worst.
- Define the different cognitive techniques that help overcome distorted thinking: positive self-talk, thought stopping, power language & going with the flow (know each technique)
- According to psychologist Martin Seligman, what is learned optimism?
- According to Viktor Frankl, what are his thoughts on the human freedoms?
- What was found in the study that observed parent-child interactions?
- What is Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) which was developed Albert Ellis? (REBT) is based on what premise?