Extra Credit
Choose one of the following options to earn ten points.
If your grade was C or less in the midterm exam you may choose TWO extra credit assignments
for a total of maximum twenty points.
1. Visit an exhibition of modern/contemporary art at a local museum or art gallery
and write a critical review of the exhibition (not a review of one work but rather
an entire exhibition). Submit a written report of one to two typed pages on turnitin.com.
Scan your admission ticket and/or a brochure and add them at the end of your review.
- Include the show’s title, theme, and the type of art shown.
- How is the exhibition displayed? How are the works arranged? (describe the effectiveness of framing, lighting, sequencing, gallery space, etc.)
- Ask yourself what the curators were trying to accomplish by arranging the works in the fashion that they did. What is the premise of the exhibition? Is the exhibition successful in terms of the intentions?
- Discuss the exhibition in the context of art history. Figurative or abstract (or both)? Medium/s? Themes? Influences?
- What did you like about the show? Which works are your favorites? Why?
2. Take the "mural walk" in SF and submit a brochure, a receipt and a written a report of one to two typed pages.
Mission Trail Mural Walks(415-285-2287) www.precitaeyes.org/tours.html
3. Attend the next South First Friday and take a photo of yourself there (http://www.southfirstfridays.com/). Also collect some postcards or brochures. Try to talk with at least one artist about their work. Write a report describing your experience and attach your photo and the brochures or postcards.