Include your biography here, with a photograph of yourself or a place, animal or plant that you particularly like.
Click on the Edit Main Content button to start adding information about yourself to this page. Type content directly into the page or copy it from your current Web page or a Word document if you have it already written. Then use the Paste from Word or Paste Plain Text icons to add it with clean formatting into your Web page.
You can easily add pictures to your Web site by using the Image tool (the icon with the mountain and sun) to upload a single picture from your computer to your Web site image folder. Or you may upload multiple photos with the File Manager tab upload function. Then insert the image into your Web page using the image tool.
Courses Taught at De Anza
- Course Title
- Course Title (list the courses that you teach throughout the year)
Education (List your degrees)
- B.S. in Biology
- M.S. in Environmental Science