Argumentative Essay

6-8 pages + works cited page, typed, double-spaced, and stapled

Full-length draft due Thursday, February 18

In this essay you will argue for or against a policy recommendation for creating equity. The policy recommendation should be specific enough so that a specific government or institution can take a specific action in making the recommendation a reality. Your argument, as much as possible, should be based on research so that you can make a convincing argument for the specific government or institution to take action.

Your essay should demonstrate that you are aware of different positions and opinions concerning the specific policy, law or rule that is the focus of your essay. You should demonstrate some historical awareness of how the policy, law, or rule has assumed its current form, historical awareness about how the groups affected have developed in a way that would require the policy, law, or rule to change, and historical awareness about the efforts of others to make the change you are proposing. Your essay should be as up to date as possible. You should demonstrate awareness of the groups that would be affected by the change that you argue for and what the effects would be.

Research Question

Your research question will take the following basic form:
Should [institution or city, county, or state government] [policy proposal: change a rule or policy/allocate resources/support a program] in order to [solve problem]?
Your thesis statement is your answer to your research question. Do not use the word equity in your research question or thesis.


Before you write your outline you can think of your essay as having the following structure:

  1. Problem
  2. Your proposed solution
Your outline is a plan for a 6 to 8-page essay that develops your thesis. Most likely your outline will answer the sequence of questions below. The structure of your essay, however, should depart from this sequence of questions if there is a good reason based on your thesis or the reality that your thesis represents.
  1. What is the problem?
  2. How has the problem developed, and what were previous attempts to solve the problem?
  3. How does the problem affect a specific group of people now (stories if possible)?
  4. What is your proposed solution?
  5. What is the strongest objection to the solution?
  6. What is an answer to the objection?
  7. What are limitations of the solution?

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. The first point of your outline should be your initial thesis, which is the initial answer to your research question. Do not write an introduction until you have finished a full draft of the body of your essay.
  2. The "Problem" part of your essay will most likely include a history of the development of the problem that includes previous attempts to solve the problem. You should also include in this part of the outline a description of the current situation and, if possible, stories of people within the current situation. The "Problem" part of your essay should have multiple subpoints in your outline.
  3. If possible include one or more stories about people who have experienced the problem. These will appear in the "Problem" part of your essay.
  4. Your proposed solution should address the shortcomings of previous attempts to solve the problem. Depending on how you have narrated the history of the problem you are addressing you might not need to mention previous attempts to solve the problem in this part of your essay.
  5. In the final draft of your essay you will probably not use the words objection or limitation. I will try to show you ways to gracefully address objections and to think about how your proposed solution does not solve more basic economic problems.

This is the process that you are required to follow in order to complete this essay:

  1. Select a topic
  2. Formulate initial research question, have initial research question approved
  3. Write an intermediate research assignment that includes both a brief history of the development of one aspect of the problem and a personal narrative about your relationship to the problem
  4. Write an outline for the whole argumentative essay and have the outline approved
  5. Write a complete draft of your essay
  6. Revise the essay

I will evaluate your essay according to the criteria in the EWRT1A Essay Grading Rubric for De Anza College. In this essay you are required to use MLA-style in-text citations and include a Works Cited page that does not count towards the 6-8 page requirement.

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