Chemistry 25 Laboratory
Safety Document (All Students must sign and turn in on first day)
Experiment 1: Performed 9/26 and 9/28
Laboratory Notebook/Prep
There is no lab prep for this experiment. We will start the Math Module experiment (page 11-20) on the first day of lab after check in and you will complete it at home.
Laboratory Report
Turn in the worksheets from this experiment at the beginning of the following lab period.
Due 10/3 and 10/5
Experiment 2: Performed 10/3 and 10/5
Laboratory Notebook/Prep
We will do the notebook prep for this lab together in class. Please make sure that you have a duplicate copy laboratory notebook by this day. Read pages 29-38 in preparation.
Laboratory Report
Turn in pages 31-38 from this experiment at the end of the lab period.
Due 10/3 and 10/5
Experiment 2: Performed 10/10 and 10/12
Laboratory Prep
Read pages 39-43 in preparation. Please do the pre-lab questions on page 45. PLEASE NOTE. If you are not ripping out pages from the lab manual, then you NEED to make photocopies!!!! No more sheets of paper.
Laboratory Report
Turn in pages 45-51 from this experiment at the end of the lab period.
Due 10/10 and 10/12