De Anza College CD-010G-02 Study Guide

Quiz1 Study Guide: Chpater1 & 2

pp.18-22 three domains of development, periods of development, nature vs. nurture, continuity and discontinuity

pp.39-50 scientific method



psychoanalytic perspective

Freud--- id, ego, superego

Erikson---psychosocial perspective, 8 stages

Piaget---4 stages, scheme, assimilation, accommodation, adaptation, equilibrium, concerns about the theory

Vygotsky---ZPD, sociocultural perspective (pp306-308)

Pavlov--- classical conditioning

Skinner--- behaviorism, concerns for behaviorism,

operant conditioning

Bandura--- social cognitive theory

pp.52-53 Bronfenbrenner---ecological theory, 5 systems

pp.56-60 Methods for collecting data—observation, survey & interview, test, case study

pp.62-63 Research designs---cross-sectional approach, longitudinal approach

Quiz2 Study Guide: Chpater3, 4 & 5 (Santrock)

pp.84-86 The Genetic Process; DNA and the Collaborative Gene;

Genes and Chromosomes

p.87 Dominant-Recessive Genes Principle; Sex-Linked Genes

pp.88 Chromosomal Abnormalities; Down Syndrome

pp.89-91 Gene-Linked Abnormalities; Phenylketonuria (PKU); Sickle-cell anemia

pp.92-93 Prenatal Diagnostic Tests

pp.109-113 The Germinal Period; The Embryonic Period; The Fetal Period

blastocyst; trophblast; endoderm; ectoderm; mesoderm; amnion; amniotic fluid; placenta; yolk sac; umbilical cord

pp.117-119 The Expectant Mother’s Nutrition, Weight Gain, and Exercises

pp.122-127 Some General Principles; Prescription and Nonprescription Drugs; Alcohol; Nicotine; Cocaine; Marijuana; Heroin

pp.130-132 Other Parental Factors; Nutrition; Maternal Age; Emotional States and Stress

pp.141-146 Stages of the Birth Process; The Fetus/Newborn Transition; Childbirth Strategies and Decisions; Childbirth Setting and Attendants; Methods of Delivery; Natural and Prepared Childbirth; Cesarean Delivery

pp.148-150 Preterm and Small for Date Infants; Long-Term Outcomes for Low Birth Weight Infants; Nurturing Preterm Infants

p.152-153 Kangaroo Care; Apgar Scale

pp.155-158 Physical Adjustments; Emotional and Psychological Adjustments; Postpartum Depression; Bonding

Quiz3 Study Guide: Chpater6, 7 & 8 (Santrock)

pp.169-174 Where Growth Starts: Cephalocaudal and Proximodistal

Height and Weight; Brain Development

P.176 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

pp.184-188 Reflexes; Gross Motor Skills; Learning to Walk

pp.189-190 Fine Motor Skills

pp. 190-199 Defining Sensation and Perception; Studying Infant Perception

Visual Preference Method; Visual Perception; Visual Acuity &

Color; Depth Perception; Hearing; Touch and Pain; Smell; Taste

pp.209-213 Process of Development; Schemes; Assimilation &

Accommodation; The Sesorimotor Stage; Substages of Sensorimotor Development; Understanding Physical Reality; Object Permanence

pp.227-232 How Language Develops in Infancy; Babbling and Other

Vocalization; Recognizing Language Sounds and Word Boundaries; First Words; Two-Word Utterances; Biological and Environmental Influences; Evolution and the Brain’s Role in Language Development; Language Acquisition Device; Is There a Critical Period for Learning Language?; Behavioral and Environmental Influences; The Behavioral View; Environmental Influences

pp.244-251 Early Developmental Changes in Emotion; Crying; Smiling;

Fear; Temperament; Chess and Thomas’ Classification; Goodness of Fit;

Parenting and the Child’s Temperament

pp.253- How Does Attachment Develop In Infancy?; The Significance of

Attachment; Caregiving Styles and Attachment Classification

pp.50-51 Ethological Theory

Quiz4 Study Guide: Chpater9, 10 & 11 (Santrock)

pp. 275-278 Height and Weight; The Brain; Neuronal Changes; Structural Changes; The Brain and Cognitive Development

pp.279-284 Gross Motor Skills; Fine Motor Skills; Young Children’s Artistic Drawings; Developmental Changes and Stages; Child Art in Context; Handedness; Origin and Development of Handedness

pp.303-307 Piaget’s Preoperational Stage; Exploring What “preoperational” Means; Symbolic Function Substage; Intuitive Thought Substage; Vygotsky’s Theory of Development; The Zone of Proximal Development; Scaffolding, Dialogue, and Guided Participation

pp.315-317 Understanding Phonology and Morphology; Understanding Syntax; Advances in Semantics; Advances in Pragmatics

pp.339-339 Initiative Versus Guilt

p.344 Gender

pp.346-350 Social Influences; Social Cognitive Theory of Gender; Parental Influences; Media Influences; Cognitive Influences

pp.351-352 Parenting Styles

pp.366-367 functions of Play; Parten’s Classic Study of Play

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