CD10G Study Guide
Quiz 1 Study Guide: Chpater1 & 2
- pp.3-11 definition
- scientific method, theory, hypothesis
- three domains of development,
- periods of development
- nature vs. nurture, continuity and discontinuity
- many directions
- ecological-system approach
- p.21 applying the scientific method
- pp.23-27 survey, case study, studying changes over time,
- cross-sectional research
- longitudinal research
- pp.37-51
- psychoanalytic perspective
- Freud--- stages, id, ego, superego
- Erikson---psychosocial perspective, 8 stages
- John Watson--- behaviorism
- Pavlov--- classical conditioning
- Skinner--- concerns for behaviorism,
- operant conditioning
- Bandura--- social cognitive theory
- Piaget---4 stages, scheme, assimilation, accommodation, adaptation, equilibrium, concerns
- about the theory
- Vygotsky---sociocultural perspective, ZPD
Quiz 2 Study Guide: Chpater3 & 4
- pp.65-73 The Genetic Code
- pp.75-78 From one Cell to Many; New Cells, New Functions, Many
- Factors, Gene-Gene Interactions, Dominant-Recessive Heredity,
- X-Linked Genes
- pp.85-89 Chromosomal Abnormalities; Down Syndrome
- Phenylketonuria (PKU); Sickle-cell anemia; Cystic fibrosis;
- Hemophilia; Hydrocephlus; Neural-tube defects
- pp.92-93 Prenatal Diagnostic Tests
- pp.97-103 The Germinal Period; The Embryonic Period; The Fetal Period
- blastocyst; amnion; amniotic fluid; placenta; yolk sac;
- umbilical cord
- pp.104-105 Risk Reduction
- pp.107-109 Protective Measures
- pp.113-122 Birth
- pp.125 Postpartum Depression; Bonding
Quiz 3 Study Guide: Chpater5,6 & 7
- pp.131-132 Body Changes; Cephalocaudal and Proximodistal
- Height and Weight
- pp.135-139 Brain Development; Experience Shapes the Brain
- pp.142-147 Sensation and Movement; Motor Skills; Reflexes;
- Gross Motor Skills
- pp.161-168 Sesorimotor Intelligence; stages of Sensorimotor
- Development; Object Permanence
- pp.174-181 Language: What Develops in the First Two Years?
- Language Acquisition Device; Is There a Critical Period for
- Learning Language? The Behavioral View
- pp.187- 189 The First Two Years: Psychosocial Development; Smiling;
- anger and Sadness; Fear; Toddlers’ Emotions
- p.195 Erikson: Trust & Autonomy
- p.197-198 Temperament; The New York Longitudinal Study
- Goodness of Fit
- p.53 Ethology by Konrad Lorenz – geese study
Quiz 4 Study Guide: Chpater8, 9 & 10
- pp. 221-222 Body Changes
- pp.225-226 Brain Development
- pp.231-236 Improved Motor Skills; Artistic Expression
- pp.249-256 Piaget and Vygotsky; Piaget’s Preoperational Stage; Symbolic Function
- Intuitive Thought Substage; Vygotsky’s Theory of Development; The Zone of Proximal
- Development; Scaffolding; Language as Tool
- pp.258-264 Theory of Mind; Language
- pp.277-279 Emotional Development; Initiative Versus Guilt
- pp.281-282 Sex Differences in Emotional Regulation
- p.285 Changing Social Circumstances
- pp.288-290 Challenges for Parents; Parenting Styles
- pp.299-300 Becoming Boys and Girls