CD012: Child, Family, and Community Interrelationships

Instructor: Dr. Li Wei Sun Tel: (408)864-5329 e-mail address: 
Office Hours: Monday 12:20-1:30pm Office: CD2-21d

Course Description:
Child, Family and Community Interrelationships is an introduction to the study of the developing person in a societal context; and the relationships of family, schools and the community. It is a systematic and critical study of the ways in which families, schools and other institutions of the community interact in the lives of young children. The patterns of child rearing in our contemporary society will be explored.

Required Text and Materials:

  1. Gonzalez-Mena, Janet. 5th Edition(2009) Child, Family, and Community. New Jersey: Person Education, Inc.
  2. Handouts and Study Guide, Li Wei Sun

Desired Outcomes: Upon the completion of this course, students will:

1. Examine research tools and techniques and behavioral and social sciences.

2. Identify and assess the implications of the historical and philosophical origins of the familial and
 educational institutions as a context for early development.

3.  Examine family development, functioning and family systems, including the impact of a disability
 in family dynamics; analyze the process of socialization including identification of the family 
 unit,socialization influences of schools, peer groups, community and technology in relation to the
 child and family.

4. Discuss the importance of the communication theory and techniques as tools for developing
 partnerships among families, schools and communities to support each child’s development. 

5. Analyze the role of the school in early childhood as a support service and an agent of change,
 including the role of the educator as a mandated reporter.

6. Evaluate the role of the community as a context for development including identification of local
 resources which might foster a healthy child, family, and community relationships.

7. Identify cultural and socialization factors in relation to self and the student’s own culture and
 background and how these factors have shaped and influenced the development of self, world
 views and beliefs.

8. Develop an understanding of the importance of being culturally aware and sensitive of the
 influence of culture in child, home and community relationships.

9.  Assess changing demographics for our region and throughout the nation as they pertain to
 family composition, socio-economic status and ethnic diversity.

Method of Presentation:

Presentation will be through lecture, discussion, individual and group activities, role-play and media audio/visual aid.

Class Requirement:

  1. Students are expected to arrive on time, participate in class discussions and remain for the entire class.. If a student has need to leave early one day because of a pressing emergency, the student needs to let the instructor know ahead of time, otherwise he/she will be shown as being absent for that day. Students are responsible to keep track of their absences and tardiness.
  2. If a student misses 2 classes, he/she needs to see the instructor for an assessment of his/her ability to complete the class. The instructor may drop a student with 3 absences. Three tardiness equal one absence. It is the student’s responsibility to process a DROP form. If a student simply stops attending class, the student will get an “F”.
  3. There will be 2 exams as shown on schedule. Students are responsible for being present at those dates. NO MAKE-UP EXAMS. Students are responsible to call in on exam day if insurmountable emergency should arise.
  4. Students are required to turn OFF cell phones during class time. A student who is disruptive or is disregarding rules, such as talking, passing notes, doing homework or outside work, wearing headphones, verbal abuse, threats and etc. will be asked to leave classroom. The student must submit a request in writing asking to be re-admitted and may not re-enter without instructor’s permission. The student will be counted as absent until re-entered. Any second incident will result in the student being dropped from class with an “F”. The student who refuses to leave the room will be dropped from the class with an “F” and reported to school authorities for further action.


All assignments must be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point font and stapled together, and otherwise points will be deducted from the paper. Late assignments will have 5 points deducted from assignments. These assignments must be handed to the instructor no later than one week after it is due. Do not put any assignment in the instructor’s mailbox. E-mail assignments will not be accepted.

Plagiarism is to steal or pass on the ideas or words of another as one’s own and includes the use without crediting the source. It will not be tolerated. Such action will be dealt with in accordance with the procedures set forth in the college catalog.

Course Grading and Assignments:

1. Community “Make a Difference” Project  35
2. Cultural biography 20
3. Advocacy activity 10
4. Mid-term Exam 15 
5. Final Exam 15
6. A Cultural Object Presentation 5
 Total points: 100

Grade Scale

Letter Grade Scale Points
A+ 4 96 and above
A 4 93-95
A-  3.7 90-92
B+ 3.3 88-89
B 3 83-87
B- 2.7 80-82
C+ 2.3 78-79
C 2 70-77
D+ 1.3 68-69
D 1 63-67
D- .7 60-62
F   Falling below 60 points

Services for Disabled Students:

Disabled Students Services (DSS) is available on campus. It provides special registration for Adaptive P.E., personal counseling, academic and vocational advisement and equipment loans. It also can help provide note-takers, assistance to and from class, and mobility training for students with blindness. For more information call 864-8753.

Class Schedule  

Week # Date  Class Content   Readings due 
Week 1  

Review course requirements

The bio-ecological model

 Ecological system handouts

 Chapter 1

Week 2


Historical perspective of family life and parent involvement

 Historical perspective handouts

Week 3


Family life: demographic changes; successful family; community resources

Chapter 11

Week 4  


Socialization agents; Family and community relationships

Due: Field experience agreement

Chapter 8,13,14

Week 5


Social policy issues; Advocacy; Quality child care as an extension of the family

Due: Cultural Autobiography

Chapter 15, 12

Quality Child Care Handouts

Sign-up cultural object presentation

Week 6


Culture and diverse families

Bring a cultural object


Chapter 6

Week 7


Pluralistic Society; Child Rearing Patterns

Bring a cultural object


Week 8


Effective communication and communication techniques including cross cultural communication

Bring a cultural object



Week 9



Violence and Child Abuse

Bring a cultural object

 Chapter 7

Week 10


Finalize your “Make a Difference Project”

Week 11


Community service learning: Make a different project presentation

Due: “Make a Difference Project”

 Study for Final

Week 12  

   Final Exam  
CD 12 Requirements Due date Point value Points earned
Community “Make a difference” Project    35  
Cultural biography    20  
Advocacy activity    10  
Mid-term    15  
Final Exam    15  
A Cultural Object Presentation    5  
Total points    100  
Extra credit    
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