CD54 Emergent Curriculum (80 points) 

With a group of 4-5 persons, you will engage in the following activity. Select a topic from one of your naturalistic observations, then create a web together, brainstorming different directions the topic might take. Include a copy of your web as well as the answers to the following question .
  • Why (and why not) do you think these topics would be good topics to use for a project? (Use the hand-out with octopus on the top to help you judge what is an appropriate topic)
  •  After your webbing exercise, how do you see the “seeds” you have chosen, evolving? What are some of the directions that this topic might take?
  • What age group would this topic be appropriate for? In what kind of setting? Why?
  •  Using your knowledge of development, mention some questions that might come from the children? What might they want to know or explore?
  •  Include a list of questions that you might use to inspire further study. Please use open-ended questions rather than ‘correct’ answer questions.
  •  List several possibilities for “field work;” trips, sites to explore, objects, resource people, and events.
  •  What kind of activities would you see evolving for the children? (Drawing, constructing things, observing, recording, exploring, predicting, discussing and dramatizing, etc.)

Your group written report should include the following sections:

1. The Observation: Select one observation and topic

2. The Curriculum Web: Brainstorm and complete a curriculum web emerging from the topic

3. The Activities: Design age appropriate activities according to the curriculum web. Each member should design at least two activities for the "Learning Area" your group signed up. The group members should together evaluate all the activities, finalize the written lesson plan for each activity (less plan writing format will be provided and discussed in class later), and present all the activities in class.

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