Lecture Schedule
Lectures are scheduled two meetings before the assignment is due. The instructor has the right to modify, if necessary. The chapter and section listed corresponds to the text.
April 6
* Chapter 1, section 6; Properties of Integral Exponents
* Chapter 4, section 3: Equations and Inequalities involving Absolute Value.
April 8
* Chapter 5, section 4; Factoring Trinomials
* Chapter 5, section 6; General Factoring Strategy
April 13
* Chapter 6, section 1; Rational Expressions and Functions
** Multiplying and Dividing
April 15
* Chapter 6, section 2; Adding, Subtracting Rational Expressions
* Chapter 6, section 3; Complex Rational Expressions
April 20
Chapter 6, section 4; Division of Polynomials
April 22
Chapter 6, section 6; Rational Equations
Chapter 6, section 7; Formulas and Applications of Rational Equations
April 29
Chapter 6, section 8; Modeling Using Variation
Chapter 7, section 1; Radical Expressions and Functions
May 4
Chapter 7, section 2: Rational Exponents
May 6
Chapter 7, section 3; Multiplying and Simplifying Radical Expressions
May 11
Chapter 7, section 4; Adding, Subtracting, and Dividing Radical Expressions
Chapter 7, section 5; Multiplying with More than one term and Rationalizing Denominators
May 18
Chapter 7, section 6; Radical Equations
May 20
Chapter 9, section 1; Exponential Functions
May 25
Chapter 9, section 2; Composite and Inverse Functions
Chapter 9, section 3; Logarithmic Functions
May 27
Chapter 9, section 4; Properties of Logarithms
June 3
Chapter 9, section 5; Exponential and Logarithmic Equations
Chapter 9, section 6; Exponential Growth and Decay, Modeling Data
June 8
Chapter 11, section 1; Sequences and Summation Notation
Chapter 11, section 2; Arithmetic Sequence
June 10
Chapter 11, section 3; Geometric Sequences and Series
June 17
Chapter 10, section 1; Distance and Midpoint Formula, Circles