
Assignments are intended to be a learning activity. The assignments should be attempted on a class to class basis. After the assignment is completed, students should review earlier exercises for review and solidification.

Time will be set aside at the beginning of each class to answer questions from the assignment.

The problems assigned are not intended for mastery of the topic, so more problems should be done.

The assignments will be collected and recorded. Be sure that you are aware of the due dates.

Late assignments will be accepted until the class takes the examination covering the material but a penalty will be involved.

Each student will be allowed to miss two assignments, 10 points.

Each assignment will be worth 5 points.

For you to get full credit for each assignment, please follow the guidelines. If you want to download this file, do so here. If you have questions about this sheet, please ask in class.

Click here to look at the assignment list.

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