The grades will be determined as follows:
400 points 4 Exam - each 100 points
150 points 17 quizzes -
in class - 10 points each, 2 will not count
75 points 5
quizzes - take home - 15 points each
80 points 18 assignments -
5 points each, 2 will not count
200 points 1 final examination
905 points total points possible
Grade Scale
814 - 905 points A (90%)
724 - 813 points B (80%)
633 - 723
points C (70%)
543 - 632 points D (60 %)
0 - 542 points F
No extra credit is given. Do not ask.
A grade sheet will be passed out after each examination. If there is an error, be sure to notify the instructor.