CBT Meeting Changed to 3:30 p.m. in ADM 106 - Jan. 25, 2011

The District have called a special district budget meeting today at 1pm to share and discuss the re-worked scenarios on state cuts in the light of the new information we have received as it has changed the fiscal outlook.

We have postponed our CBT meeting until 3:30pm to allow our members to attend the special district budget meeting and report back to CBT.

Please see Bernata's note below:

Hi everyone,

Here are a couple of items that changed the fiscal outlook that we would like to discuss in our scenarios:

 1) decline in FTES in FY 10/11 and its impact on 11/12 base (lowering it)

 2) slightly deeper cuts than were originally projected and shared in the first version of scenarios.

Of course, we will go over these scenarios during our regular meeting scheduled for February 1, but since we are going to share the scenarios with the Board of trustees during the Board Study Session on January 31, we would like to provide you with an opportunity to familiarize yourself with this complex information slightly ahead of time if you wish to do so. I will be there to share new scenarios and answer any questions.

I apologize for late notice, scenarios required a serious overhaul and some information was not available until last moment.



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