SSSP Plan and Student Equity Plan Templates - March 13, 2014

Dear Colleagues,
Please be advised that the Student Success and Support Program (SSSP) Plan template and Budget Plan form have been posted to our Web site at: Both are due to the Chancellor’s Office by October 17, 2014. The SSSP Funding Guidelines posted earlier today will be a useful resource as you prepare these documents.
In addition, the Student Equity Plan template has been posted and can be downloaded from our Student Equity page at: The Student Equity Plan is due to the Chancellor’s Office by November 21, 2014.
You will find instructions, information contacts and references to helpful resources in each of the plans.
Linda Michalowski
Vice Chancellor, Student Services and Special Programs
California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office
Office: (916) 327-5361
Cell: (916) 804-9392
Fax: (916) 327-8232

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