Measure C FF&E Request Prioritization Spreadsheets Available - Mar. 16, 2012
March 16, 2012
To: PBT Chairs
Cc: Campus Budget/Technology Task Force/College Council Chairs & FF&E Coordinator
Fm: Coleen Lee-Wheat & Pippa Gibson
Subject: Measure C FF&E Request Prioritization Spreadsheets Available
As you may recall, the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee tightly monitors Measure C funding and these funds have very specific criteria attached to them.
The FF&E Coordinator has completed reviewing the requests and has divided the requests into funding sources. These requests are now ready for review & prioritization.
Next Steps:
1) PBTs review and prioritize the requests for their own PBT area.
2) Joint meetings of Campus Budget, Technology Task Force & PBT reps will perform institutional review and prioritization.
3) This joint group will give recommendations to College Council.
4) The President will make the final decision on the projects.
PBT Task:
As a PBT member please review & prioritize the requests for your own PBT area.
You will need to download the following information for this task.
- FF&E request narrative and budget request forms
- Scoring Matrix. A scoring matrix was drawn up for groups to use if they choose.
As a PBT member please consider the following when evaluating the requests:
- Note that there are specific instructions on each sheet
- Please remember that each PBT member should focus on their PBT's requests only. All of the requests are labeled clearly by PBT
- Review the associated program documentation to see if these needs have been elicited previously (since this is a new process, some of this information may not be clearly delineated, but in the future people will be expected to show a history of need and assessment that show that there is a need)
- Review the descriptions and justifications on the request narrative sheets
- Determine (as far as your are able) if each request is reasonable and supports the college's needs in serving students
- Determine (as far as your are able) if each request supports a learning environment that is safe, sustainable and useful for students
- Determine (as far as your are able) if each request has the required infrastructure (data lines/power receptacles, etc) already in place to support the requested item Infrastructure costs are NOT covered by Measure C. Ask if each request will incur installation costs beyond what is described.
- Questions and comments are encouraged and should be noted in the appropriate questions & comments column on each spreadsheet.
- Since this is a new process, the more answers that your group can bring back to the table will obviously speed along the process.
Voting/Evaluation Process
Each PBT can determine it’s own voting process. We would suggest using a scale of 1 to X (1 being the #1 ranked item for that particular funding source). The actual scale can be determined by each PBT, but please remember that each PBTs prioritized lists will be brought together at an institutional level. All requests will then be reviewed and prioritized from a college-wide perspective. So although it may be tempting to prioritize all items as #1, we would urge you not to do so as it will invalidate the prioritization process.
Lastly, although we know that purchasing will allow the process to bridge standard fiscal timelines it is important to review these requests as soon as possible. Some requesters will need items in time for fall quarter 2012, so we hope to conclude this whole process by April 15th so we can put in orders for the 2011-12 fiscal year.
Thank you again for volunteering to participate in this new process. Your time and careful considerations are paramount to the success of this project.
Please contact Pippa Gibson x8936 for clarification on the spreadsheets.