Second Quarter Report Summary - March 19, 2014

Second quarter report
Vice Chancellor of Business Services Kevin McElroy said the second quarter report is consistent with overall 2013-14 budget projections. Unlike in recent years, there have been no state budget upheavals this fiscal year. Enrollment by resident students is below the district’s budgeted projections by 365 full-time-equivalent students, resulting in a potential state funding decrease of $1.6 million, but revenue from non-resident enrollment is more than $2 million over budgeted projections. After factoring in other adjustments, Vice Chancellor McElroy said, the district’s budget deficit for 2013-14 is now being projected at $3.4 million rather than $5.6 million, largely due to the increase in non-resident revenue. He cautioned that non-resident revenue can be volatile and cannot be counted on to permanently close the budget deficit.
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