FY2011-12 Open Purchase Orders Due by April 30, 2012
To: All Administrators and Supervisors
From: Carmen Redmond, Director of Purchasing Services
Date: April 12, 2012
Subject: Monitoring and Increasing FY 2011-12 Open Purchase Order Balances
Important Notification
In order to avoid having insufficient funds to pay for items acquired against current year Open Purchase Orders, using departments must regularly monitor the remaining balances on their Open Purchase Orders. This is especially important to do as we approach the end of the District's fiscal year. If the remaining balance on an Open Purchase Order is less than the estimated cost of purchases that are likely to be made between now and June 30, 2012, the department should promptly enter and approve a Purchase Requisition in Banner using the current transaction date that requests an increase in the amount of the Open Purchase Order so that it will be sufficient to pay for all of its purchases through June 2012. Open Purchase Orders begin with either EE, HH, or JJ. The requisition should reference the Open Purchase Order number in the "Comments" field. Furthermore, if the Open Purchase Order is for an Independent Contractor Agreement (ICA) or Agreement for Services, the requisitioner must create a Change Order to the ICA or Agreement for Services that has been signed by an administrator with sufficient contractual authority and is in the same dollar amount as the requested increase to the Open Purchase Order; this must be submitted to Purchasing Services with a copy of the requisition.
Purchase Requisitions to increase (or decrease) Open Purchase Order encumbrances for the 2011-2012 fiscal year must be submitted and approved by the following date: Monday, April 30, 2012.
This is the same date by which fiscal year 2011-12 Purchase Requisitions must be approved and posted in Banner.
In order to allow sufficient time for all of the assigned approvers to approve the requisitions in Banner, requisitioners should do the following:
- Enter the requisitions to Banner no later than April 15, 2012.
- Alert the approvers so they will know they should log into Banner to approve the requisitions.
- Remind approvers that 2011-12 requisitions must be approved no later than April 30, 2012 in order to create a reservation against the 2011-12 budget.
If you need assistance monitoring your Open Purchase Order balance, please contact the appropriate Internet Native Banner (INB) user for your campus:
Material & Purchasing Services http://purchasing.fhda.edu/ Ph 650-949-6193
Fax 650-948-5194
Foothill College (FHC): Diana Cohn, x7253 or cohndiana@fhda.edu; Red Lucas, x7363 or lucasred@fhda.edu
DeAnza College (DAC): DAC, Janet Couch-Vong, x8371 or couchvongjanet@fhda.edu
Central Services (CS): Pam Eberhardt, x6119 or eberhardtpam@fhda.edu
Measure C FF&E: FHC, Asha Harris, x7144 or harrisasha@fhda.edu; DAC, Janet Couch-Vong, x8371 or couchvongjanet@fhda.edu; CS, Pam Eberhardt, x6119 or eberhardtpam@fhda.edu
Measure C Construction: Esperanza Contreras, x6297 or contrerasesperanza@fhda.edu
Exception Process: Under certain circumstances, if the requisition is not submitted and approved by
4-30-12 as described above, a department can request that an exception be made to the deadline. This can be done if the department must pay vendor or contractor invoices that it incurred by making purchases against an Open Purchase Order that has insufficient funds. To request an exception, the department must do the following:
- Create a requisition in Banner using the current transaction date. The requisition should reference the Open Purchase Order number in the "Comments" field. Furthermore, if the Open Purchase Order is for an Independent Contractor Agreement (ICA) or Agreement for Services, the requisitioner must create a Change Order to the ICA or Agreement for Services that has been signed by an administrator with sufficient contractual authority and is in the same dollar amount as the requested increase to the Open Purchase Order; this must be submitted to Purchasing Services with a copy of the requisition.
- Alert approvers to ensure that the requisition for the increase will be approved no later than June 15, 2012.
- Send an e-mail message to the appropriate administrator for your campus (see list below) that explains the situation. The e-mail must include a copy of the invoice(s), cite the Open Purchase Order number, and cite the Requisition number that is being submitted to increase the Open Purchase Order encumbrance. Send the e-mail to:
For Central Services: Kevin McElroy, Vice Chancellor, Business Services
For DeAnza College: Letha Jeanpierre, Vice President, Finance & Educational Resources
For Foothill College: Shirley Treanor, Vice President, Educational Resources & Instruction
- If the administrator approves the request, he or she forwards the e-mail to Linda Mahi in Purchasing Services at mahilinda@fhda.edu.
- If the administrator does not approve the request, he or she notifies the requester accordingly.