State budget update - June 12, 2014

June 12, 2014

Dear Colleagues,

Good morning from Eureka, where I'm visiting College of the Redwoods today.

Last night, the Conference Committee on the State Budget took major actions with an eye toward completing work on the state's 2014-15 budget by Sunday's midnight deadline. Unfortunately, much of the budget trailer bill language is not yet available.

As widely expected, the Legislature agreed to mostly accept the governor's lower revenue calculations, backing off a proposed $246 million in greater community college spending previously approved by budget-writing committees. In the end, there were two major changes to the community college budget proposed in the May Revision--the funds for Student Equity were reduced from $100 million to $70 million and Disabled Students funding was increased by $30 million.

Here are the major community college items, with changes from the May Revise identified in yellow:

(amounts in 000s)
2014-15 January 2014-15 May 2014-15 Conference Note
Ongoing Funds
Cost-of-living adjustment 1.57% 0.86% 0.85% 0.85% General apportionment only
Enrollment Growth 1.63% 3% 2.75% 2.75% General apportionment only
Student Success and Support Program $99,183 $199,183 $199,183 $199,183 Variable match (3 local:1 state on $199.2 million, 2:1 on $100 million)
Student Success and Support Program - Equity $0 $100,000 $100,000 $70,000
Disabled Students Programs and Services $84,223 $84,223 $84,223 $114,223
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services $88,605 $88,605 $88,605 $88,605
Economic and Workforce Development $22,929 $22,929 $22,929 $22,929 See one-time funds below
Student Financial Aid Administration $67,537 $67,896 $67,896 $67,896
CalWORKs $35,545 $35,545 $35,545 $35,545
Part-time Faculty Compensation $24,907 $24,907 $24,907 $24,907
Basic Skills $20,037 $20,037 $20,037 $20,037
Telecommunications and Technology Infrastructure $15,790 $15,790 $20,390 $20,390
Nursing Education $13,378 $13,378 $13,378 $13,378
Foster Care Education Program $11,786 $11,786 $11,786 $11,786
Part-time Faculty Office Hours $3,514 $3,514 $3,514 $3,514
Campus Childcare Tax Bailout $3,350 $3,350 $3,350 $3,350
Transfer and Articulation $698 $698 $698 $698
Part-time Faculty Health Insurance $490 $490 $490 $490
One-Time Funds
Physical Plant and Instructional Equipment $175,000 $148,000 (maintenance only) $148,000 (maintenance or equipment) no match in 2014-15
Economic and Workforce Development $50,000 $50,000 to increase student success in career-technical programs
Telecommunications and Technology $1,400 $1,400
Mandates $49,500 to address mandate backlog

Instead of completely paying off the community college deferrals, the compromise would repay $498 million in deferrals, with the remaining $98 million tied to state revenues. Under the LAO's revenue projections, the deferral would be completely paid off this year.

Language was inserted into the budget last night to limit the amount of reserves K-12 districts may hold for bad economic times, should the Rainy Day fund proposal be approved by voters in November. Similar language was not included for community colleges.

While education advocates hoped an education facilities bond would be approved in conjunction with the budget, there was no movement on the issue as most of the work on the education budget was completed.

Here are some more details and a multi-year chart prepared for our board meetings by League Vice President Theresa Tena.

Thank you to all the advocates and our great Team League for a great budget cycle for community colleges!


Scott Lay
President and Chief Executive Officer, The League
Orange Coast College '94

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