2017-18 May Revision Clarification - May 11, 2017

Thursday, May 11, 2017 18:34

A point of clarification and a few updates after I was able to dig through the official May Revision budget documents:
· The funded COLA for apportionments is 1.56%, not 1.54% as stated below. The funding amount was correct, but the percentage was off 0.02%.

· The EOPS, DSPS, CalWORKs, and Campus Child Care Tax Bailout categoricals each received a 1.56% COLA.

· The California Apprenticeship Initiative grants provided in in 2015-16, 2016-17, and 2018-19 are provided an additional two years to be encumbered or expended, which recognizes the lead time necessary to develop and implement an innovative apprenticeship program.

· The Equal Employment Opportunity Program was provided an additional $1,825,000 on a one-time basis from FON penalties.

· $45.8 million in additional one-time revenue to be allocated on an FTES basis due to 2015-16 Apportionment having revenue in excess of the entitlement. This funding may be used by the Legislature to fund other one-time priorities in the final budget.

· $31.7 million in additional one-time revenue to be allocated on an FTES basis to backfill for lower than estimated RDA revenue.
Finally, there has been additional questions raised about the changes proposed to the Proposition 98 calculation. Please see pages 15 and 16 on the May Revision Summary document (link below) for a detailed explanation.
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Mario Rodriguez
VC Finance and Facilities
CCC Chancellor’s Office
(916) 218-2759
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