Meeting Notes - October 26, 2010

Lee-Wheat is standing in for Anderson who sent his apologies.

1) Approve notes from October 12, 2010

 The notes were approved with a correction to the DASB funding amount of $1M

 2) Proposed Use of Fund Balance for 2010-11

Jeanpierre shared the Proposed Use of Fund Balance in 2010-11 spreadsheet with the team and explained that there is $5,469,884 of fund balance as of 7/1/10. There are $3,611,592 in augmentation requests leaving an anticipated balance of $1,858,292. There larger than anticipated fund balance was partly due to $800k in FLOAT money (budgeted vacant positions), carry-forward balances, and AARA funds. The funds in this spreadsheet represent a one-year disbursal plan. The augmentation money goes to separate FOAPs so the dollars can be tracked.

Jeanpierre reviewed the spreadsheet in detail and explained the purpose of the line items. During the discussion, the following points/questions were raised: The President requested an innovation fund to stimulate new ideas and growth opportunities (line 3), student assistants (line 16) money is for approx. 75 VTEA/CALWORKS students who assist in many departments across campus, Emergency funds (line 8, 15, 19 & 27) are not for salary increases. 

The Process for requesting Measure C funds was approved by Campus Budget on May 25, 2010 and College Council on June 10, 2010.

The team approved forwarding the proposed plan to College Council for review and approval.

3) Approve the Technology Strategic Plan Final Draft – Accreditation Update.

Jeanpierre briefly explained the process and the work that Kevin Metcalf and the Tech Task Force had done over the summer to update the tech plan. She reminded the team that this was a living document.

Gerard was excited to see the reference to staff development and training within the Tech Plan and reported that FHDA is considered the ‘flagship’ for Banner rollout.

The team approved sending the Technology Strategic Plan Final Draft to College Council for approval.

4) Update on the Grants Office

Richard Galope has taken the lead in setting up a district Grants Office on the Foothill Campus. Jeanpierre shared her opinion that it was important to get the Campus organized on the flow of information to the district grants office. Jeanpierre invited Jackie Reza, Mae Lee, Jane Ostrander, Dan Dishno, Jerry Rosenberg & Brett Watson to work as an ad-hoc grants committee and invited others to volunteer. Mieso volunteered to join the committee.

5) Quick News

The team welcomed Rob Mieso as the Student Services PBT representative.

DASB senate passed the proposed $3 increase to the fee. The next step would be to take the proposed fee increase to the Board of Trustees. The fee increase would be effective Fall 2011. A student survey was done last year and the increase was well supported. The EcoPass would have to be voted on by the whole DASB and is estimated to cost an additional $3-$5 per quarter. All students would have to pay the fee (full and part-time students) whether or not they use public transport. This item would be on the DASB election next May. LaManque has done a survey of the transportation habits of students. DASB are still evaluating subsidized a bus pass program or pursuing the EcoPass.

East Cottage discussion. The site was signed over to the contractor and the liability is with the contractor (John Plane). The ‘new’ college will replicate the structure as best as it can but the historic value has been lost. The plans are still with DSA.

Jeanpierre is meting with the users of the ATC to start looking at the renovations. HVAC will use a lot of the budget for the project.

The State has agreed to supplement the funding for the library renovation but the College needs to come up with approx. $6M of which it only has approx. $3M.

Mediated Learning Center is due to open in fall quarter 2012. It has already won design awards.

Present: Bloom, Gerard, Goodwin, Jeanpierre, Lee-Wheat, Michaelis, Mieso, Patlan, DASB Leo Nguyen.  Notes: Gibson.
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