Meeting Notes - December 9, 2008

1:30-3:00 p.m.

ADM 106

1) Approval of Notes from December 2, 2008

The notes were approved.

2) 09-10 Budget Strategies

Hawk reminded the team that the goal of today's meeting was to recommend a strategy to College Council to assist in addressing the District's anticipated budget deficit for the 09-10 year. She gave a quick overview of her PowerPoint presentation from the December 8, 2008 budget town hall. Andy Dunn's PowerPoint presentation is also posted online for reference.

Hawk drew attention to the detail for the two scenarios which represent lower (A) and higher (B) projections for the 2009-10 Budget Outlook.

A) District-Wide Shortfall $11.5M = De Anza College Contribution (50%) = $5,750,000.

B) District-Wide Shortfall $15M = De Anza College Contribution (50%) = $ $7,500,000.

Potential ONE-TIME Strategies 
08-09 Ending Fund Balance (Note A*)  $1,526,436  
*Note A - Fund Balance includes a portion of:
08-09 Strategic Planning Balanced $659,199
08-09 20% B Budget Augmentation Balances $321,243
09-10 Strategic Planning Set-Aside $800,000

Hawk asked the group to begin the discussion by considering whether to recommend that the whole $1,526,436 be used to close a portion of the budget shortfall. The team discussed each of the three budget line items in depth and raised many concerns around the impacts and implications to essential services and programs; enrollment including TBA sections; distribution of 20% B Budget augmentation; Strategic Planning initiatives; 1320 (part-time faculty); structural deficit vs. state funding deficit; long term planning; vacant positions; FTFO (full-time faculty obligation); job corp; productivity (10 points = $1M); FY 10-11; Title III; Asian Pacific grant; Basic Skills; and long term planning within the VP areas/PBTs; percentage of total budget for salaries and wages vs B Budget.

After considerable reflection on the depth of the budget deficit and the limited resources available to meet the goal of $5,750,000 or $7,500,000, the team agreed by consensus to put the recommendation forward to College Council to use the whole $1,526,436.

There are currently a number of unfilled positions that would be used to help close the deficit. Current unfilled positions = $1,121,662
Administrative $270,187
Classified $282,528
Faculty* $568,947
* Assumes maintaining 08-09 FTFO

Hawk then asked the team to consider targets for closing the balance of the shortfall of either $3,101,902 (assuming $11.5M deficit) or $4,851,902 (assuming $15m deficit). She explained her rationale for the following recommendation:

Reductions for each area are based on the percentage of budget allocated from De Anza's total budget. This represents between a 5-7 % reduction for each area.

District-Wide Shortfall $11.5M  (De Anza's portion = $3,101,902)  
Ed Resources & College Operations (10% of DA total budget) = $310,190  
Student Services (17% of total DA budget) = $527,323  
Instruction (71% of total DA budget) = $2,202,350  
President's Office (1% of total DA budget) = $31,019  
Marketing (1% of total DA budget) = $31,019

District-Wide Shortfall $15M  (De Anza's portion = $4,851,902 )  
Ed Resources & College Operations (10% of DA total budget) =  $485,190 
Student Services (17% of total DA budget) = $824,823 
Instruction (71% of total DA budget) = $3,444,850 
President's Office (1% of total DA budget) = $48,519  
Marketing (1% of total DA budget) = $48,519

The team discussed the proposal in depth and agreed by consensus to put this recommendation forward to College Council.

Present: Argyriou, Bloom, Hawk, Hearn, Joseph (for Jenkins), Larson, Lee-Klawender, Michaelis, Milonas, Sellitti,

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