College Council Meeting

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Admin #109, 3:00 – 4:30 pm

Members: A. Argyriou, C. Castillo, J. Chou, S. Cook, M. Custodio, G. Durham, Jr., C. Espinosa-Pieb,A. Guevara, R. Hansen, W. Huynh, L. Jeanpierre, L. Jenkins, A. Khanna, D. Kubo, A. LaManque,C. Lee-Klawender, B. Murphy, L. Parent, R. Schroeder, M. Spatafore, B. Teo, R. Tomaneng

I. The College Council minutes of April 22, 2010 were approved. Handout #1. 

II.  Educational Master Plan

The Educational Master Plan Committee has been meeting and integrating suggestions and changes to the master plan document. A. LaManque reviewed the following changes which were unanimously approved by College Council. 

1. Hyperlink added in mission statement to Institutional Core Competencies.

 2. Page 6, 2nd paragraph (begins with “The new mission statement includes…”). Last sentence changed to:

The college’s commitment to student learning encompasses our work in transfer education, career and technical education, and lifelong learning for De Anza’s community.

3. Page 8, “Part of the college’s planning includes examining online and hybrid courses to enhance student learning” removed and amended to:

 The college’s commitment to learning translates into maintaining high standards of excellence for both transfer and career programs, and supporting technologies that assist different learning styles and teaching approaches; this includes online and hybrid courses.

4. Page 16, last sentence amended to:

The Student Services PBT is co-chaired by the vice president of that area and a faculty member.

B. Murphy commended A. LaManque and the EMP Team for their work.

III. Burning Issues, Quick News & Wrap Up

- L. Jeanpierre distributed a handout outlining new projections for FY 09/10 and 10/11. We are anticipating the Governor’s May revise tomorrow (5/14).

- B. Murphy provided HR updates (Chief-Elk, Dunn, Director, Foundation), encouraged attendance at Graduation and offered kudos for the Joint Classified Retreat on May 7.

- D. Jones Dulin announced the Homestead High School graduation on June 10 @ 3 pm for 500 graduates and their families at De Anza.

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