Thursday, May 27, 2010

Admin #109, 3:00 – 5:30 pm

Members: A. Argyriou, C. Castillo, J. Chou, S. Cook, M. Custodio, G. Durham, Jr., C. Espinosa-Pieb, A. Guevara, A. Simes for R. Hansen, W. Huynh, L. Jeanpierre, L. Jenkins, A. Khanna, D. Kubo, A. LaManque, C. Lee-Klawender, B. Murphy, L. Parent, R. Schroeder, M. Spatafore, B. Teo, R. Tomaneng

Guests: K. Li, I. Desouki, S. Corrao, V. Martinez, R. Mieso, V. Moreno, J. Haynes, J. Reza, C. Lee-Wheat

I. The College Council minutes of May 13, 2010 were approved. Handout #1. 

II. Accreditation Steering Committee – Handout #2  

M. Spatafore presented the proposed charge and membership of the Accreditation Steering Committee which was approved by college council. 

III. Proposed Use of Ending Fund Balances Handout #3  

B. Murphy reviewed the proposed ending fund balances for 2009-2012 and opened the floor for questions and comments. Additional clarity was provided for items #9 (EOPS Special Events Coordinator), #12 & #13 (printing cost of add stickers and transcript paper), #23 (plagiarism software), #27 (Other Reassigned and Release), and #30 & #31 (SLO/SAO Project meeting expenses). Realizing the changing nature of budgets and ending balances, this item will be revisited in the fall. College Council approved the proposed use of ending fund balances as of 4/30/10.

IV. Student Services PBT Revision – Hand

Members of the SSPBT subgroup attended this meeting to review the proposed revisions to the SSPBT Planning Document. V. Marquez provided a historical overview and process the group used in developing the proposed revisions. The last SSPBT document was dated 1999 and the subgroup began its review in January 2010. These included the addition of commitment, core value and responsibility statements, goals and projects, explanations of decision-making model, and addition of team members. B. Murphy expressed admiration for the thoughtful document and questioned how the group arrived at the consensus model for decision-making. Discussion of the co-chair position, shared governance in board policies, principles vs. past practice, review, assessment and clarification of term limits followed. It was suggested that college council could go through a similar review process.

The approval of the SSPBT document was postponed until it has been reviewed by both the Academic and Classified Senates.

V. SLO PresentationHandout #5 

J. Haynes, C. Lee-Wheat and J. Reza provided an overview of “Outcomes Based Program Review”; a 6-year synchronization of the program review cycle. This included how course level, service level and program level SLOs interface with one another and influence resource allocation and curriculum review. They reviewed several templates illustrating program assessment SLOAC and how it can identify gap analysis in institutional core competencies.

Discussion among college council members included:

- Dream vs. Reality – Is this reasonable?

- Timeline slippage (timing of program review process)

- Using the fiscal calendar to work backwards from March 15

- Overlaying the template to help map the planning process with key dates, markers or identifiers

- Distribute this proposal to the PBTs to compare and coordinate schedules and timelines.

A motion was made by B. Murphy for the Chairs of the Academic and Classified Senate, and DASB to brainstorm the timelines with regards to the OBPR proposal. Each PBT chair will review current thinking and timelines and B. Murphy will bring back an annualized plan.

VI. DASB Project Update 

M. Custodio provided background info and updates for 6 current projects:

1. Bus/Eco passes: DASB to request IR to develop a survey on bus ridership. The short-term goal is for DASB to provide $5,000 in tokens or 1400 passes.

2. Bike Rental Program: $3600 for 10 bicycles for students to rent. DASB senators to develop criteria for rentals and identify storage options.

3. Food Vouchers: Targeted for Fall with decision on logistics and funding. 

4. Teacher Assistants Service: Reviewing legality for 10 - $500 scholarships for Fall. 

5. Developing a DASB Foundation account for generating revenue and fundraising. Working with Foundation and Student Life staff. 

6. AB 540: Bringing in CCSF and CSUSF counselors to educate our counselors and staff regarding student rights. Caution was raised with regard to AB 540 clarity of terminology and using R. Mieso and J. Morales as resources. Discussion of SJEECD “OASIS” program. This topic raised a larger question of training for all employees. 

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