Thursday, June 10

Admin #109, 3:00 – 5:30 pm

Members: A. Argyriou, C. Castillo, S. Cook, M. Custodio, G. Durham, Jr., C. Espinosa-Pieb, A. Guevara, R. Hansen, L. Jeanpierre, L. Jenkins, A. Khanna, D. Kubo, A. LaManque, C. Lee-Klawender, K. Li, B. Murphy, L. Parent, R. Schroeder, M. Spatafore, N. Tambe, R. Tomaneng

Guests: M. Michaelis, J. Montgomery, I. Desouki, J. Haynes, C. Lee-Wheat, J. Ostrander

College Council members introduced themselves to the newly-elected DASB officers, K. Li andN. Tambe.

I. The College Council minutes of May 27, 2010 were approved. Handout #1

II. DASB Updates – Handout #2

This was a carry-over discussion from the last meeting on May 27. DASB updates were provided on the Bus/Eco Passes, AB 540, new Foundation Account, FAFSA assistance and college website. Spatafore provided background information on focus groups used to update the front-page of the De Anza College website which is targeted for Fall, 2010. DASB will work with J. Ceballos on the MyPortal suggestions.

III. Measure C Prioritization Process 2010-2015 Handouts #3, #4 and #5  

Jeanpierre distributed handouts: Measure C ’06-’09 Division Allocations, Measure C Prioritization Process for 2010-2011 and CBOC Quarterly Summary Report. The first worksheet reflected the De Anza College Measure C division allocations and unspent balances as of May 2010. These funds were designated for new equipment & furniture, desktops, and refreshing existing equipment. The divisions may want to repurpose or revise their requests for the remaining balances ($6 million) as the original plans are greater than 5 years old.

As a result of Proposition 39, we can move funds into pre-designated areas such as technology, furniture and capital but not into categorical areas. The unintended benefit is the replacement of desktop computers. The Citizens Bond Oversight Committee, a group within the Board of Trustees, will want to see an updated technology plan for the unspent instructional equipment dollars. 

Guevara raised the question of the proposed parcel tax in light of these unspent dollars. Parcel Tax dollars can be spent on student program areas but not equipment or capital. Murphy reviewed the strong support of a proposed parcel tax (71%).

An informal group meets to prioritize ETS projects (L. Jeanpierre, L. Hearn-Madden, J. Rueda) with J. Rueda working on updating the 5 year rotation cycle of campus equipment inventory. (New requests can be submitted to the PBTs and Vice Presidents). Discussion points: how to trace equipment, L. Hearn-Madden develops a list of faculty equipment, while P. Joseph & M.K. Englen have responsibility for ergonomic review.

College Council approved the proposed Measure C Prioritization Process.

IV. Grants Update – Handout #6 

R. Galope, VP of Workforce Development & Instruction, Foothill, elaborated on a handout regarding grants information. Beginning July 1, Ellen Miller will be working with Richard in creating a Grants Office. Galope stated there is not a concerted effort in obtaining funding from the two colleges, and we should be looking for federal funding and congressional earmarks (through M. Honda’s office). Grants are available from labor, health and human services and technology, and Department of Education that we are not tapping into for STEM, CTE, Student Success, Civic Engagement, Open Ed Resources.

He is requesting funding for a Director and 2 grant writers for 2010-2012. The grants office would review revenue generating only above $500,000 and create a master grants calendar to maximize resources, identify when applications are due and address gaps. A website would be created to automate applications. Getting grants is easy but the coordination and implementation are more difficult with short lead times.

Galope requested ideas and feedback from college council. A suggestion was made to offer faculty training, i.e., Grant writing 101.

V. Burning Issues, Quick News & Wrap Up

- At the final college council of the 2009-2010 academic year, a public affirmation was made to recognize the seriousness and dedication to the incredible work on the SLO process. There is a deep commitment to completing the SLO process as planned. 

- M. Spatafore stated there will be one fewer staff member in the Marketing/Communications Department. As a result, there will be no printed Fall schedule, however, the online website version is being augmented. A summer project will be to work on the pdf and distribute copies to the divisions.

- C. Castillo shared the new Financial Aid disbursement/money cards which can be used in the bookstore, food services and as a credit card without the bank service fees.

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