Meeting Notes - October 29, 2009

A. Argyriou, C. Castillo, J. Chou, M. Custodio, G. Durham, Jr., C. Espinosa-Pieb, A. Guevara, R. Hansen, L. Jeanpierre, L. Jenkins, A. Khanna, D. Kubo, A. LaManque, C. Lee-Klawender, B. Murphy, L. Parent, C. Pereida, R. Schroeder, M. Shirazi, M. Spatafore, R Tomaneng

I. Introductions - Handout #1

Rowena Tomaneng was introduced to the College Council for the academic year ’09-’10

II. The College Council minutes of October 8 were approved as amended. Handout #2  

Option #1 is the segregation of Fund 14 reductions of $3.36M or 42 positions and categorical cuts of $3.5M with 44 positions. Option # 2 combines Fund 14 and categorical reductions to all areas of campus and is equivalent to 86 positions

III. DASB Updates 

M. Custodio and M. Shirazi provided updates regarding the college mascot. They are awaiting updates from athletes; the bookstore needs 1-year lead time to change merchandise using the new mascot. The students are starting with a new set of names without a logo (image) after “educating and consulting” with students, faculty and alumni. Discussion followed regarding historical references, diversity, multiplicity, building a history and lore, cultural symbols and connotations. 

IV. 2009-2010 Budget Updates 

The PBTs and Campus Budget Team have met and have developed recommendations and approaches for the reduction. 


- Will determine by Dec 1 how to cut between $ amounts from Option 1 & Option 2

- Writing rubrics for each type of course/service, core values, institutional priorities

- Tiers of cuts, shifting FTES, vertical enrollment

- There will be an Option 3 based on criteria and priorities

 Academic Senate:

- Mirroring the State Academic Senate in planning for excellence, in offering instruction of the highest quality despite budget cuts. 

- Planning based on bottom-up approach based on faculty expertise in serving student needs.

- Philosophical and practical approach of “student first”, balance of courses for transfer, career and technical and basic skills. Maintaining breath of curriculum with a long-term view.


- Met goal through vacant positions, with minimum grounds and custodial staff

- Jones-Dulin to provide formal industry rubric (levels/definitions/ consequences of reductions). What are the consequences of reductions? Environmental changes?

- Child Development within $100K of goal, looking for grants & revenue options


- Shrinking as low as possible vs. total program elimination to meet targets

- Lots of mandates in DSS, EOPS,

- Using a tiered analysis for reductions. Working backwards to identify minimum level of staff to handle matriculation, registration, financial aid,

 Campus Budget Team:

- Revisit strategic initiatives, core values: are they still applicable?

- Core programs should not be eliminated; only downsized.

- How to use existing resources

 Budget Discussion Points:

- Even with successful negotiations, still facing categorical cuts

- Bargaining units are working together and taking it seriously

- Keep in mind generosity, clarity and charity

- Moving part-time faculty to more productive courses

- Reduce, restructuring, alternative staffing

- Review low productivity areas, reallocating students to other classes

- This is an exercise all institutions should go through in good and bad times, resulting in good conversations, increasing efficiencies, how we design our programs. 

- Balance instruction and services without cutting number of classes

At the November 2 Board meeting B. Murphy will deliver to M. Brandy the Phase 2, Option 1 & 2 worksheet. These are general parameters but we are not prepared at this time for the numbers and programs to be eliminated. 

V. Burning Issues, Quick News, Wrap Up 

  • M. Custodio and M. Shirazi distributed a proposal regarding a unified walkout and rally. March 4 has been scheduled for the “March on March” event but DASB leadership would like to propose an earlier date to vent budget cuts. Suggestions included seeking support of the Academic and Classified Senates, bargaining units: FA, ACE, CSEA. Use the event as an educational opportunity/teach in; include reports and assignments. Invite state senators, assemblymen and representatives from Sacramento to explain the budget. Involve other community colleges in the region; involve students electronically through Facebook and Twitter. Time the event to coincide with the release of the state budget on January 10-11, 2010. 
  •  The midterm accreditation report has been sent and received by the ACCJC. The November 5 date regarding Accreditation Teams has been deferred until January 2010. Students are invited to participate.
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