Thursday, March 10, 2011

Admin #109, 3:00 – 4:00 pm

College Mission Statement

 De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders in their communities, the nation and the world.

 De Anza College fulfills its mission by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and attitudes contained within the college's Institutional Core Competencies: •Communication and expression •Information literacy •Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility •Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness •Critical thinking

Members: G. Anderson, N. Asar, C. Castillo, S. Cook, G. Durham, C. Espinosa-Pieb, R. Hansen, T. Hunter, L. Jeanpierre, L. Jenkins, R. Kazempour, A. Khanna, C. Lee-Wheat, Z. Li, V. Marquez, F. Milonas,B. Murphy, M. Newell, E. Norte, R. Schroeder, M. Spatafore, N. Tambe, R. Tomaneng 

Guests: B. Stockwell

I. The College Council minutes of February 24, 2011 were approved. Handout #1

II. Accreditation Updates Work is progressing with edits due to Lois for a 2nd draft  with continuous updates posted to the Accreditation website. A reminder about visiting dates: October 24-27, 2011.

III. Budget Update Handout #2

L. Jeanpierre reviewed the De Anza College 2010-2011 A&B Budget Summaries previously discussed at the February 10 Town Hall meeting. The document highlights the number of possible positions affected and reduction by area (i.e., F&ER, Student Services, Instruction, President’s Office and Marketing).  

FHDA Budget Scenarios:

1. $10.5M reduction with $5.2M reduction to De Anza

2. $14-15M reduction with $7.3M reduction to De Anza

3: $16M reduction with $8M reduction to De Anza

All reductions are dependent on the Governor’s tax extension proposal with voters making the decision. The district is in a strong position and can survive the first two scenarios. We will identify positions and programs and create contingency plans for 2012-2013 to be escrowed with one-time dollars. It was suggested that Academic and Classified Senates continue to meet during the summer.

IV. Institutional Research Steering Committee Handout #3

M. Newell described a campus-wide Institutional Research Steering Committee to meet the Standard 1B6 requirement. The purpose for this group is to systematically review the 6-year planning cycle, working on ongoing assessment and planning. This committee would be an ongoing subgroup of college council. A motion was made to approve the formation of the committee and review membership at the next meeting.  M. Newell will develop a concrete proposal for approval.

V. Governance Task Force  Handout #4 

B. Stockwell presented a revised Governance template with the following changes:

- Removed section which asked for type or group

3a: addition, “ for example how do members communicate with their constituents?”

3b: addition, “for example: record minutes and post to group website.” 


Who should receive the template?

Constituent groups and bargaining units

Campus representative governance groups

Campus Advisory Groups

The template is to be used as a tool so groups can have discussion.

The template timeline is end of Spring Qtr, 2011 (June), with an internal first draft by April 15, followed by a public draft May 16.

How can the website be reformatted with changes to the organization chart? The Curriculum Committee was inadvertently omitted, and as a result, changes should be presented to R. Stockwell or V. Marquez.

College Council approved the governance task force template.

VI. Burning Issues, Quick News, Wrap Up 

- March 14 – March in March with a 6:30 am departure. Students are encouraged to participate and have a voice regarding education. Over 300 students have signed up to-date; faculty are cancelling classes or making participation a class assignment.

- Z. Li and current DASB are leaving offices June 1. New elections are scheduled for the week of May 9 with hopes of restructuring DASB to increase effectiveness.

- WISE will launch the bike rental program 1st day of the quarter (April 4), with a multi-use cage for bikes that have been purchased. There will be a $10 key charge. Logistics are unclear presently about rental periods.

- DARE – acknowledging group for organization and kudos to Nevin Sarina’s work. 

- N. Asar: The DASB card allows discounts with 17 local businesses (5 more pending) and campus cupboard. DASB currently has $3500 scholarships available to students.

- A. Khanna: This year, every certificate and degree offering was submitted for review to the Curriculum Committee with the addition of a description and outcome statements. We achieved 100% compliance with this effort.

- Financial Aid and the Print Shop have moved to the Baldwin Winery; part-time faculty offices to open soon. C. Castillo encouraged all to come and visit.

- Welcome Dr. Truly Hunter, our new MSA representative.

- V. Marquez shared M. Custodio’s video shown during the Partners in Learning Conference, March 4. A small screening is scheduled Thursday (3/17) for invitees and people in the video. Custodio is making a few edits and getting permission for wide-viewing, use in our Outreach program and campus website.

- F. Milonas stated the 2010-13 FA & District agreement is slated for ratification in April, 2011. 

- C. Lee-Wheat encouraged participation in the SLO Convocation Day on April 15 (a flex-day).

- A. Khanna: This year, every certificate and degree offering was submitted for review to the Curriculum Committee with the addition of a description and outcome statements. We achieved 100% compliance with this effort.

- R. Kazempour announced iPads due in the bookstore next week, along with the Fall 2011 Catalog.

- B. Murphy shared information regarding a meeting with the La Voz Editorial Board and discussion on Developmental Education. This is a testimony to the college, as 5 to 8 years ago it would not have generated much response.

- Murphy commended M. Spatafore, J. Ceballos and L. Jenkins for the launch of the Democracy Commitment website.

- R. Stockwell announced positive responses from faculty, staff, administrators and students about organizing action on the tax extension ballot.

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