Thursday, June 12, 2008
Admin #109, 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Members: C. Castillo, W. Chenoweth, R. Covington, C. Espinosa-Pieb, R. Griffin, A. Guevara, F. Milonas for R. Hansen, J. Hawk, L. Jeanpierre, L. Jenkins, A. Khanna, A. Kramer, A. LaManque, S. Larson, A. Lin, B. Murphy, O. Patlan, R. Sami, M. Spatafore, J. Swensson, M. Winters
I. The College Council minutes of May 8, 2008 were approved by consensus.
A correction was noted on Burning Issues, Quick News and Wrap Up section. "W. Chenoweth requested feedback on shared governance policy not website management policy." Congratulations to Eden Su who has been accepted to the Haas School of Business.II. Budget Update & III. Measure C
J. Hawk reviewed a draft De Anza College 08-09 Draft Plan dated 5/20/08 which indicated actual spending as of 4/30 with projections for 6/30/08. The document had been approved previously by the Campus Budget Team, Academic and Classified Senates and Instructional Deans. B. Murphy pointed out 3 parameters regarding this budget. (1) De Anza be able to manage one-time dollars, (2) if the budget deficit grows, the college has reserved dollars from sweep and (3) we are holding 1 time dollars for personnel purposes. If we are successful, we will avoid layoffs.Questions followed regarding what is included in rolling accounts, undistributed one time dollars, the 07-08 Retention Grant Carryovers, Strategic Planning. The dollars allocated to Strategic Planning may be realigned based on final assessments due in mid to late-July. It was recommended that a college wide venue be dedicated for the strategic planning overview to provide a better understanding for everyone.
J. Hawk reviewed the handout, "Capital Projects Update Report Reflecting Anticipated Interest Earnings" reflecting anticipated bond interest earnings of $7,476M for the Mediated Learning Center.
College Council approved these two budget recommendations which will be forwarded to the Board for approval on June 16, 2008.
IV. Academic Senate Updates
W. Chenoweth reported on the recent Academic Senate elections: Anne Argyriou, President, Cynthia Lee-Klawender, Vice President, and PT faculty representative, Mary Ellen Goodwin.He also reported on the Town Hall regarding Integrated Core Competencies.
V. Burning Issues, Quick News and Wrap Up
- Classified Election Results for 08-09: Al Guevara, President, Lois Jenkins, President-Elect, LaDonna Yumori-Kaku, Secretary and Mi Chang, Treasurer- Faculty Association Election Results for 08-09: Rich Hansen, President, Faith Milonas, Vice President, and Barbara Fink, Secretary.
- DASB Election Results: Terell Sterling, President, Valery Nguyen, Vice President
- R. Sami reported on DASB items under discussion/pending: Farmer's Market, US Bank ATM, and Eco-Pass. A DASB Sustainability Committee has been formed and will result in a new vice president position. DASB Senator Karthi lobbied for continuation of the WRC and how important it is for student success. Discussion followed regarding WRC funding and a possible resolution before end summer.
- 08-09 Program Reviews were discussed regarding documentation, clarification, criteria, with the integration of the strategic planning initiatives.
The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.