IPBT Notes - June 19, 2018

Co-Chairs: Espinosa-Pieb, Nguyen

Administrators Reps: Fayek, Ranck, Ray

Faculty Reps: Groseva, Leonard, Maynard R., Pape, Woodbury

Classified Reps: Bdzil, Gerardo, Maynard L.

Student Reps: Brandi Madison, Ian Robertsson

Absent: Cortez, Kandula, Khanna

Guests: Emma Bonasera (DASB), Randy Bryant, Mary Kay Englen, Elias Kamal (DASB), Dana Kennedy, Dawn Lee Tu, Ethan Maneja (La Voz), Lisa Markus, Mallory Newell, Mylinh Pham (p/t History), Oksana Starshova, Jeff Staudinger

Approval of Notes 6/5/18 -

The notes were approved.

Student Participation in Shared Governance -

Elias Kamal presented a presentation titled: Student Voices in Shared Governance from the Students in Shared Governance Taskforce. The committee met multiple times and Elias shared the findings. DASB representatives are on a wide variety of shared governance groups. When asked how many students attended the shared governance meetings which assigned, 72.7% had not attended any meetings, this is particularly important because if they are not attending, then there is likely no student voice at the meeting. 86% of DASB representatives indicated they did not received any orientation to the committee. Based on the concerns and recommendations, the group developed a list of best practices of Student Voices in Shared Governance (see handout).

Perkins Allocation/Career Technical Education Consideration -

Margaret Bdzil shared the state Perkins CTE Program Preliminary Allocations report. De Anza is getting $409,838, effective July 1, 2018. Christina requested to move the approval of this request to the fall so that it is in-line with all other budgeting processes so the committee can look at it in the context of program review and along with all other fund sources. Margaret noted that these funds are time sensitive and very detailed down to the line item. Pape put forward a motion for preliminary approval with a report in the fall which was approved. It was noted that Christina and Jim will not be on IPBT in the fall so Mary Pape will need to bring it back to the committee in the fall.

Recommendations from Viability Committee -

Christina gave an update on the viability process and informed the group that the ELIT program was asked to cut back on their sections and really look into which courses are not filling. Above and beyond the 45 sections that are to be cut from Language Arts in 2018-2019, an additional 4 would need to be out of ELIT courses. The committee met with the nursing department twice, the first with the chair and dean, the second time with the full department. The committee at this time could not come to a decision on what to do with the nursing program at this time. The challenge with Nursing is that students start in a cohort of 10 due to course required limits, but as the cohort moves on and students drop out, the cohort is now 5 students to one instructor, instead of 10 students to one faculty. The program was asked what they could do to increase retention and they did not have a plan at this time that they shared with the viability committee. Christina recommended that she and Jim report to College Council on Thursday that IPBT has not met their target this year, and will carry this work into the fall.

Further Christina reported that she met with all the instructional deans and told them that they will need to work with individual departments to help them reduce their section offerings, rather than bringing in a wide variety of programs into viability at this time.

The committee voted to also add the 6 open faculty positions to the list of items removed from our budget that will go to the Board this summer.

The meeting adjourned at 5 p.m.

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