Mission Statement – De Anza College provides an academically rich, multicultural learning
environment that challenges students of every background to develop their intellect,
character and abilities; to realize their goals; and to be socially responsible leaders
in their communities, the nation and the world. De Anza College fulfills its mission
by engaging students in creative work that demonstrates the knowledge, skills and
attitudes contained within the college’s Institutional Core Competencies: Communication
and expression, Information literacy, Physical/mental wellness and personal responsibility,
Global, cultural, social and environmental awareness, Critical thinking Adopted Spring
Wednesday, June 20, 2012 AgendaSeminar Bldg., Seminar Training Room
1:30 - 3:00 p.m.
Time |
Agenda Topic | Purpose | Discussion Leader |
Outcome |
1:30 pm | Review Agenda & Notes | A/D/I | Cook/Glapion | |
1:35 pm |
Budget Reductions BROC Process & SS Ideas to Reduce Cost & Increase Revenue (Response to email last week) |
I/D | Cook/Glapion | |
2:00 pm |
Budget Presentation-College Council 6/28 |
D | Cook/Glapion | |
2:10 pm |
Additional Discussion re Classified Suggestion Box Items (Additional Comments & Responses to the SSPBT Inquiries) |
I/D | Cook/Glapion | |
2:20 pm | Confirmation/Status of Classified Comm Appointments (2 representatives) | I | Cook/Glapion | |
2:25 pm |
Updates -Measure C -"B" Augmentation |
I | Cook/Glapion | |
2:35 pm |
Discuss Potential Proposals for Assessment Cycle Projects (Assessment needs & competencies by SS Areas to Perform Multiple Services Area/Program Level Outcomes Next Due date is 10/30 for fall & winter funding. Possibly developing a Jt. SS proposal/application (to the Jt. PBT fund) for a speaker/trainer to assist w/2012-13 cycle? |
I/D | Cook | |
2:55 pm | Meeting Summary & Adjournment | I |
A = Action D = Discussion I = Information
SSPBT Goals & Priorities 2011-12: Program Reviews, Program Viability, Veterans, Alignment, Core Student & Student Success Task Force, Technology
Members: Booye, Caballero de Cordero, Chung, Cole, Cook (co-chair), DASB, Espinosa-Pieb, Glapion (co-chair), Haynes, Kirkpatrick, LeBleu-Burns, Leonard, Mieso, Moberg, Moreno, Thai